Metru Matoran Nui, the Defeater of Doors

I have to admit that the '04 Matoran are not my favourite small set design; the proportions are strayed from the classic model (short legs, small torso, long arms; but instead short arms and large torso), and the articulation could be better. I decided to make a Matoran Nui using them to see if I could like the design better.
Here is the result:

I used the '01 version to align the colours, but went with a square body design, otherwise it would be just a tower of torsos. The colour blocking is better than the '01 version; using seven colours rather than twelve, and the desaturated hues work better with the gray.
Build-wise, I tried to adapt the style of the '01 Matoran Nui with the different parts, it still has the split feet, and an arm behind the head. The arms are lengthened, which helps the limb size issue with the individual sets. I chose Tehutti’s mask both because of the original using the earth character’s mask, but also because he had the idea to form the fusion in story. The model also incorporates all six disk launchers, and can point them at a single target simultaneously. The main con is the stability; this model is top-heavy. There are also blue pins on the legs that are not concealed.
A size comparison of the model, a Toa Metru, and the '01 Matoran Nui

Deconstruction Photos

The model is mostly folded up. Here’s the remainder:


I would not want to meet him in a dark alley. He’s huge!


disgusting looking but amazing


Making it visually consistent with the 01 Nui is truly impressive.