If they have all that tech, why is the basket hand-woven?
Seriously, this is neat.
The white is out of place, and the feet look strange. Flipping the front half so it’s slanting down should make it more stable, and imo look better. Coolio.
I love it ;-;
When I saw the title i was expecting to see a rake somewhere on the thing.
The photography completes this thing!
This is really neat!
Great job, Ghosty!
Great work!
Not a big fan of the feet, but I love the body design!
Pretty neat!
Really simple but nice. And I think the feet are fine, if you ask me.
I love the build of this
gostee ur feet desins r bad and u shud feel bad
I actually don’t mind the feet, they do their job just fine.
These mechs are an interesting concept, and a farming mech is also a strange but interesting concept. Although it looks much more futuristic than agricultural, I think that the build is still good.
I love this.
More than I should, probably.
I don’t know why, but good job!
#why are you so good?
I was just thinking that there were too many warrior/fighting mocs. Thank the power of farming.
But warrior/fighting mechs are the fun ones to build.
I just realized I never liked this topic… And I still stand by my earlier comment.