Midnight Rider


Jack Houston. A drifter of few words. He doesn’t like any of them “funny beers”.

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A character I’ve had around for a few years now. Never posted him here since I wasn’t sure if I could with the non-LEGO jacket, but I don’t think anyone would mind. If they do, then take it down idk. Here are some illustrations I’ve done of the character as well. He’s my flagship OC at this point and de facto self-MOC.

The original sketch. The MOC was based on this, but part restrictions forced a change in anatomy and proportions. I think the more traditional look suits him well though.


Glad to finally see this guy posted here! The posture coupled with the astronaut helmet makes for such an iconic look.

As someone who frequently uses non-lego garments on quite a few mocs I’ve posted here, I think it should be fine,


Do people really have problems with stuff like this?! That’s outrageous because the jacket looks incredible. I think that if you were to make the jacket brick-built, it would have detracted from the MOC’s aesthetics

I love how cohesive and clean the MOC looks overall. Usually galidor pieces clash a lot with lego’s aesthetic, but here they blend in seamlessly.


This. This is great. It reminds me of the running gag in one of the Calvin and Hobbes comics with a similar helmet. You nailed the organic look on him perfectly.


Some people do but that’s on them. I don’t really care. In hindsight my concern made no sense because I uploaded Adam to TTV. It may not have even been the reason, but I can’t think of any other reason I never uploaded Jack here.

Regardless, thanks!