Minotaur beast

I work with at risk youths in my community this is one of their builds, which I may post from time to time. Occasionally, during my work, I have them build as coping skills and destress. He made this with nothing particular in mind, but I thought it was a pretty cool concept. Ill share the post with them too.

encouragement welcome


this is good
also nice moc
shouldn’t this go into creative content? I can change it for you if so


fixed that thanks

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Nice build! Its got a really cool head.
Im sure lots of us would love see more of their builds!
And if its beneficial to them, sharing the praise with them!


I love the use of the blue axels as eyes and a connection point into the head and horns, that’s a really great use of parts right there.

This looks pretty good, by all means, keep em comin!