MinusOneEighth, Master of Toothbrush

So I decided to turn a random table-scrap I was making into my first official self MoC

The white was meant to look like a Hazmat siut.

These proportions aren’t meant to look either attractive or realistic, this wasn’t very serious. look at the title you little…

IDK why he’ on my sink and posing on the tap.

Well there are the fruits of 15 minutes of messing around, you can critisize this if you like but I somehow doubt it would be useful for this guy in particular.


I like his hands. Also black Krana are best Krana. 9/10


Those hands have been on about 5 different MoCs by now since I only have the four exo-force arms for them.

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I actually really like this.

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You win a toothbrush!




Moved to Lego Creations - luch


What a name


This is really good! Now if only his weapon was a super sharp toothbrush…

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If I had the pieces to make that, believe me I would.
The whole "master of toothbrush thing was only because there were toothbrushes in the main pic, this is just some wierdo.


I really like the giant mech look he has.

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I like the colour scheme and the blend of CCBS with older bionicle parts. The back legs look exposed, maybe try covering them if possible?

I guess that is a problem, but I don’t really have the parts to do that, and he’s bulky enough as is, and the legs end up looking like an apron or something, black is his secondary colour anyway.

I am disappointed by the lack of a handheld toothbrush weapon.

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Latest batch of Mixels has one with a toothbrush.

Its name is ‘Tuth’. :neutral_face:

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He is not a wielder of toothbrush, he is the toothbrush whisperer, he calls them and they answer.

I hadn’t seen that, but it’s adorable


Well I take it this is not a serious MOC, so 10/10.

I give him an extra 20 points for making him take a piss. :laughing:

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The back view makes him look suuuuper unfinished, but I guess he’s cool if you’re trying to go for something unique.

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I like the fat body but tiny head appearance!
For some reason he reminds me of an edgier version of Baymax from Big Hero 6

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He will conquer the bionicle universe wit his toothbrushes

Nah he’ll probably just help keep all the everyone’s teeth clean.