Mistah_Grammaticul's MOC topic

I’m back! For some notes:

  1. Why was this title changed back to MoC rather than Kronkiwongi?
  2. Pirean has been through lots and lots of rebuildings. First off, Pirean as titan!

    This is a titan-sized MoC. W00t!

    Quick poses and a @Nyran shot for later. I’ll give him a backstory.

    Once a normal villager, Pirean fell again into the molten Energized Protodermis with 2 toa stones and a ball of fire energy. He emerged as a fire Titan.

    Quick front and side shots:

    .#@Yran shot

    His smexy legs:

    After the protodermis incident, Pirean became a known protector of grammatica-nui, with the ability to fight with fire.


    More to come soon!
    @Ekorak @StSc @ColdGoldLazarus @Cordak_the_Last_Makuta @nekroz have been summoned.

Ok I’m going to try to give a critique later tomorrow, but in caseI forget just re @ me

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How exactly does one fall into these rare substances conveniently located next to each other? :stuck_out_tongue:

Everything from the waist up look nice and dandy. But i’ve gotta say, those legs and feel look extremely strange and out of place. You should’ve stuck with pure CCBS legs, because the mix of technic bits and old Bonkle pieces clash way too much with the smooth look of the torso

Also, nice way to showcase your drawings in the background. :wink:


Well, he was delivering them to the nearby village. He IS the protector of grammatica-nui and the messenger, as well as the archivist.

I’ll have to agree with Rockho that the Technic legs stand out like a sore thumb against the rest of the build. The Metru red there also doesn’t really match the rest of the color scheme, and some armor might be necessary for those knees. I sure the friction pieces hold it up fine but it like a twig between two pillars. I also can’t say I’m a fan of the clashing silver and gold, but that’s just me. Now, the chest…I highly recommend you find a way to raise the armor on the sides so they’re more parallel with the center shoulder piece, 'cuz right now…he’s looking a bit phat.



Why was I summoned? I assume to review the moc.

He has a nice appearance, but looks a little cluttered. The backs of the legs could use some work, and the neck could be a little longer. Other than that, not bad! 7.2/10.



wait a minute
Legs look horrid, not sure whats going on with the lowerlegs,
actually, the entire moc looks cluttered
The legs are too skinny for what you are trying to pull off
the random metru red irks me

Torso construction is kinda decent a suppose but the colours man, all over the place

You got metru red on the legs, silver and white on the torso, red and gold, trans red and gunmetal

The upper torso
Looks supper awkward
It looks like you tore of tahus upper section (the chest plate addon and head)
and you glued it to the torso, but you realised the middle was bare, so you added that addon piece

the arms are the best thing about this moc.

also the swords look too small



To be fair, I liked version you posted instructions mocs thing was x6 better

And this one is very spindly and such

Also are those silver bones bootlegs?

(+why Im not cool enaugh to be summoned… ;c)

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Maybe it’s beacuse you’re…
Drops mic

on topic: I agree with what Pot8o said.

/\ /\ /\ /

I fell that this update is a large step backwards.
He look really cluttered in build and colour and has awful proportions.
I actually liked the original Pirean quite a bit but this version seems unrecognizable as the same character.



Yes, they are.
Also, you weren’t summoned because you aren’t part of a group of people I know.
Also, this isn’t the final variation of Pirean. This is:


Those white feet seem a little off, but I’m sure you knew that…

…and tgis version is much better

It just needs proper colourscheme and updated arms, and it will be preety good

Slightly better, but not that good either.
Still has colourscheme issues, the arms aren’t very good either

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His torso looks strange… there’s no discernible chest that sticks out aside from that single Metru piece, and the grey beam along his stomach looks weird and unfinished. Red pieces sticking out from the knees look awkward too.

Yeah, when ye’re on a parts shortage…

Anyhow, the earlier-posted Pirean was an older MoC from April 12, being me trying to torso. In fact, almost all of my Self-MoC attempts(Pireans) were tests. The first one demonstrated was actually me attempting a bulky torso, and then running out of parts. This one is one I plan on keeping together, and if I had another silver Inika thigh armor piece, I’d fill out the torso.
Also, to make note, He was inspired by @Political_Slime, @Cordak_the_Last_Makuta, and @MintedPineTea, who is ColdGoldLazarus. I’ll promote them somewhere else.

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Hmm, in some ways, he looks even more cluttered and messy than before, especially in the chest area. However, the legs look a bit better.

Still a 5/10.

I’m guessing I inspired the color scheme?

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I take it I had something to do with the legs?


Indeed! You did!

Anyhow, glad you’re back! Your avatar’s really nice-looking!


I am going to watch this topic like a HAWK.


the latest form of Pieren looks nice.just get rip of the metru red and SPREAD THE COLORS OUT. that is your biggest problem. I understand the issue with lack of parts. my SM does not have the right amount of lime green. yours needs to ditch ether black or silver and then just armor up his lower arms.

and what is wrong with having fifty swords?