MK's walk through the British Countryside

The weather then clouded in :frowning:

Ate my lunch here, it was yummy :slight_smile:

Wouldn’t be complete without photobombing

Then I set off home


where was that in the British Countryside?


Lancashire, on the border with Yorkshire


Wow. It still looks pretty medieval out there.

Brilliant shots! Well done.

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It is really pretty!

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The towns in Britain nearly all retain their old buildings in great condition

Thanks, my mum was getting annoyed because me and my dad kept falling behind taking pictures, worth it though

@decepticonaiden it is, glad I live in the country and not the city

@Hutere thank you to both


I like this, looks very nice there.

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I’ll be honest. I wish I lived in either England or Japan.


England is a great place to live generally, so long as you forget about the weather, cannot speak for Japan

Now that is service in style

I actually went to Japan for a few days on a two week trip a few years ago. It is nice the, especially the country side. However, I really like their culture and food. I actually went to this sushi restaurant where you order food on a tablet and it comes to you on a little train. It also had a conveyer belt where the sushi just went around the restaurant. I’ll try and find a picture.

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Love the pictures! What’s up with that wall? I was thinking it might be Hadrian’s Wall, but you were too far south. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Which wall?

I’ve actually been to Hadrian’s Wall, wish I’d taken pictures :frowning:

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This wall. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aw, too bad. Would’ve been cool to see. XD


The sushi bar I went to would have been something like this. (Sorry it took so long)


Fantastic shots, the first one especially.

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Thank you so much!

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So this is what England looks like (its England right?)

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Yep, good old England. Took advantage of the fact that it wasn’t raining for once

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Some nice photos :3