MOC#2 MEGA Ehlek, Barraki Legend

hello and welcom to my second revamp MOC! my english is not great, but i will try to do my best.
today i made ehlek, one of the six barraki legends, but then bigger, heavier, spikier, etc.
i am really proud of making this moc, it took me about one and a half week to build it, so i hope you like it and want to support me.
feel free to leave tips, criticism, love, whatever you want

Emoji deleted. The Hot Bar really likes grabbing those guys for some reason -legomaster

i talk to much now, so take a look at it and maybe, i see you next time.

i only had two of the three spike things, i think i lost one of those, but i replaced it with other spikes :blush:

he also have two extra little arms for attacking better i guess :smile:

hopefully you liked it and dont forget to like and support me with tips and tricks.
for now, peace out, RF.


I like him. but I wouldn’t be surprised if some other people are more critical. keep on the good work :thumbsup:


Hes good but where are his barraki teeth


@juanpablogorer , i kinda forgot them, i could put them later on as wel.
good that you say it, im thinking of doing it, thanks!


Well my opinion my might be a little biastbecayse is my fav barraki but here is my opinion anyway: 12222222/10. Ps I think the two spines look better then three would

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This is a good reimagining of Ehlek, I really like the addition of the Brutaka style secondry arms. Again, keep up the good work!

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I like it. Good job.

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I like it, only minor issue i have is that some balljoints are left exposed and that the blue pin used for the claw kind of draws the attention of the eye. Other than that i like it :3

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looks funny, don’t know why. Like him either way

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I got to say this is pretty great!

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That looks Fantasti-cool™. I really like it, good job, laddie. 9.7/10

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@PekekoaOfJungle @RECspiriah @JMP @Scarilian @Sciencegiraffe @The_Owl and @Vicroen
Thank you so much for the support, i really appericiate that!!


Pretty good English, and an outstanding MOC. I would suggest spreading the white spikes throughout the body a bit more, because all of them in one place looks kind of awkward

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I really like the design of his back and torso, it’s very skeletal and bony, much like the original Ehlek. 8.5/10

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Nice moc!

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Very good, can’t wait to see more form you, 9/9…

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@Lost_Head @Toa_Of_Shadows @helryx and @EvilLobsterKing
Thanks you for the good ratings and tips!


I love remixes like these. So cool, but it’s obviously still Ehlek.
That Tail is boss.

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I love the design of this MOC! Ya did an amazing job!

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EPIC but he needs his barraki jaws