MOC advice/help

greetings children
what would y’all prefer as a moc? (both share the same basic build just wth different color schemes)
toa naho (blue, metru blue and mabye silver)
Toa varient of my selfmoc Rhyla (metru blue, teal and silver)

  • Toa Rhlya
  • Toa Naho

0 voters

k looks like Rhlya won by a landslide - althou i will probs do Naho when her contests roles around


I recently got my hands on a titan takanuva. I like his gold og color scheme though, and feel inspired to modify his color scheme with different colored parts. What strikes me as most difficult is repainting his gunmetal parts into gold. Any tips for painting bionicle pieces?

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Did you use a primer?

I have no experience with painting lego pieces but I’ve read that it’s a it’s a good idea to lay down a primer layer first

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Well, for starters, you’ve got an hf piece up front there, so that definitely doesn’t belong with that set, not sure if you’re aware. I personally would ask that you don’t paint bionicle pieces, they are only going to become more rare as time goes on, unless someone convinces lego to do a complete reprint of the entire line. So all I can ask is this: whatever you do to your parts, please make sure it can be undone in the future.

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I’d agree that you should definitely paint less rare pieces if you can - I’d especially recommend getting some regular Takadox heads and painting those instead of sacrificing the coveted gunmetal ones.


I don’t suppose there are parts I could find on shapeways? That way I’m not painting over an official piece.

Wow, that is expensive. I already paid $100 for takanuva.

@Atobe_Brick Hm, guess I’ll start there

Edited for Double Post - BioKnight


Whelp i am workin on both Rhyla and Naho - dunno which one i will post first - depends which arrives first.
(btw color schemes have changed for naho - metru blue, sand blue and metal blue! its gonna look sick!)
on the rhyla front

  • Metru build
  • Custom build

0 voters

also for naho - which mask power suits her better?

  • Mask of healing (no canon appearance)
  • Mask of adaptation( no canon appearance
  • Mask of concealment (huna)

0 voters

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umm also - just need a little opinion here for Naho
fyi, her other colors are sand blue and metru blue

  • Metal blue armor
  • Silver armor

0 voters

metal blue probs looks better - silver is slightly easier…

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Blue Metal would be delicious, but pieces in that colour are rare

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ye - so im gonna be a little creative…

My Bio-Cup entry so far, a portal which will have 5 aliens with the skrall sword as faces, peering in, with one grasping the rim of the portal.

Thoughts? (Edit) Like, I’m not sure if I should change the aliens to a more contrasting colour, make the portal background red…etc. :stuck_out_tongue: Idk lol


I think it’s pretty cool thus far. I was wondering what all those brick separators were gonna be for


(I need to stop using this topic so much)
A or B?
ignore da colors - this is a leg design for Rhyla


also i am kinda liking this back-ground

  • A
  • B

0 voters


And I just broke the voting system. It’s currently a tie. :laughing:

not anymore it aint! :rofl:

It’s a tie again! :rofl:

it is tied so there A is better pink gud ahaha get rekt nerds :triumph:


The wand connection is pretty fragile. I would recommend using the old school minifig screwdriver instead as the handle is thicker and provides more stability.



That’s exactly what I’m looking for. The screwdriver is the perfect part. Thank you.


i swear this is the last one for naho
dark tan or orange as a secondary color (the torso for orange had been shown in a few other posts, dark tan would be similar to gzb_mocs es tuyet

  • Orange
  • Tan

0 voters