[MOC] Aranya


These brutal, unrelenting predators use their strong pincers and razor-sharp hind legs to rip and tear through their prey.

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This MOC was a nightmare trying to build, but wound up as one of my best. Originally based on the splinter type enemies in Metroid Prime 2, it ended up as more of its own thing.

Huge shout out to my boys Marko, James, and Djokson for helping me complete this MOC.


Good gourd that is smooth mate!

Just like holy-crap! Love it!


Changed category to Lego Creations ~ TheMOCingbird

That looks great!

1 Like

This looks great, I like the great use of parts.

Grabs a baseball bat and backs into a corner, shaking. Looks great! The face and back legs are killer.

It looks kinda cute, in a creepy way.

Looks really cool I especially like the pistins on the back legs, they make it look so much more robotic

I’m not really sure what this is, but it’s cute and I like it.

Looks pretty spooky

really creepy and really cool! would make an awesome rahi!

Excellently designed