Beetle Bomber’s concept from hero factory, beetle, & mantis. Here’s the old version is for sale | HugeDomains
The white hero cores look out of place, and there’s some clashing textures. Otherwise it’s great.
Bulk up the legs a little bit.
Otherwise, I really love the look.
Much more bug like now.
It’s better now, good fixes from the older version.
I like it’s shape and “busy” look!
The legs, though, look a tad bit skinny. I would make them a little less bulky than the arms.
Overall, though, nice job!
im just not getting the whole insect vibe
It sort of looks like how I picture lewa phantoka in artwork style
I’m loving this series of MOCs so far keep up the great work!
head seems a little small and non-insect, but otherwise a great design.
My only critique is the hero core. Drop that and it’d look great!
Pretty much perfect.
I’m pretty sure it’s an HF MoC.
His hips/waist area looks a little bulky. That could be fixed by either thinning the waist or thickening the legs.
Anyway, there are a lot of improvements over the first version! I kind of miss the bug arms, though.
I know, but having the white hero cores on the arms and back and legs not only break the idea of 1 hero core per hero, but they also break the color scheme. The Trans Neon Green on is fine.
Yes. This is what I meant.
He still has the bug arms! There just tucked behind
Oh see them. Yay!