I don’t know what it is…and I don’t even wanna know…oh and I call It Meep. (It’s a table-scrap btw…made from leftover Bricklinked parts.)
I don’t know what it is…and I don’t even wanna know…oh and I call It Meep. (It’s a table-scrap btw…made from leftover Bricklinked parts.)
Pretty neat for a table scrap. But the Cordak Blaster has no ammo, so 0/10
Has a very combo set look to it and that I can get behind, especially how clean it looks.
I quite like it. It looks like something out of the weird-but-cool-MOCs-project-with-a-name-that-I-don’t-care-to-■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■-to-understand project.
I actually like it a lot. There’s something about his design that really appeals to me.
I was expecting something from phineas and ferb /s
That was Meap tho.
This be a Great Moc
and somewhat adorable
A CuteMinigunRahi. I can feel the freedom flowing through his gears.
Because that’s what you say when you encounter it in a dark alley.
For a table scrap, this is incredible! I like the tiny little arms, they give it a nice look. It actually makes me think of something out of the Edge Chronicles.
I’d keep one as a pet
He’s so cute. That’s how he wins wars dangit!
I think this looks awesome. I especially like the color scheme. Honestly, this reminds me of a MOA from Warframe.
Never played Warframe.
Someone make that!
(I don’t have any pink pieces)
Someone deformed a raptor really badly here.
Table scraped parts? That’s so good
Love this. Is it possible for you to make something named Moop? Then they could be Meep and Moop.