MOC/Reimagining: Umarak the Hunter

Hi. I’m new to the TTV Message Boards so I figured I’d show off one of my favourite MOCs I made in Studio. A G1 version of Umarak the Hunter.

A cunning strategist and loyal member of The Brotherhood, when sent to Karda Nui, Umarak took advantage of his skills as a hunter to track down Av Matoran and expose them to the Shadow Leeches.

And of course, every Maukta in Karda Nui needed a Shadow Matoran companion of some kind, so this is Vulltox, a fidgety little guy who always speaks in rhymes.

So here is one of, hopefully, many different posts. let me know your thoughts.


Cool, i like the head design.

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Hm pretty cool. The horns are nice. You managed to get the 08 look right.


yeah, you really nailed the 08 look. looks good!

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Woah, I gotta try that foot design, it looks dope

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(1) welcome to the boards
(2) That moc looks great. I like the armoring and the little guy looks good as well.

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I do quite like the idea of Umarak as a Brotherhood member. Welcome to the boards, as well.


I think Vulltox is actually my favorite part. I love how stumpy and squat he is

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Hi Number One G2 Fan here, and I LOVE how you made Umarak look STRAIGHT out of Karda Nui of 2008!

I like my Headcanon of Umarak and his Species (I like to call Uma thanks to a friend mine) kind of being the Makuta of G2 (with a few Changes) and this just Fuels that idea in my head! I love it.


Thank you kindly, I’m happy with all the positive feedback I’ve gotten for my G1 Umarak, I might post my other G1 versions of G2 characters later down the line, I have a feeling people will like how I did Lord of Skull Spiders.


Great build, little bit sad that he does have a bow but nevertheless great build

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@Eilrach I really should make him one but I didn’t want to just remake his G2 bow

Gotta find a way to make one with a Zamour launcher perhaps

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