I know it’s a chicken. That’s the joke.
Yes, that’s a rocket launcher in its body.Err um
But it’s a…
Eh anyway, the build is too cluttered.
That’s a chicken…
That is not a dragon. That is a chicken.
Overall neat MOC man. But I feel it is a little cluttered looking.
The colour distribution is pretty good (for a chicken that is) , but the build has a lot going on with it
Also it’s a chicken
I don’t think you know the difference between a dragon and a chicken?
It still looks good though
(I know. It’s to defeat all expectations)
It’s a chicken, and as others pointed out it’s a bit cluttered (Tbh, it’s only a very slight problem). But there’s only one thing that matters to me.
Is it edible?
This is a very well done Chicken.
Edited title for clarity~ RhiteWainbow
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don’t you dare eat the great white chicken!
A tad cluttered, but it gets the look of a chicken across very well.
##I dare! I defy your rules. The chicken’s soul shall be freed!
######Havn’t seen that Vahki piece used in ages
i know right?
Oh my…
It’s a chicken…
mmm… chicken…
a chicken, with a rocket launcher,
what an eggcelent MOC!
cluck cluck
it’s cool