MOC: The Great White Dragon

[quote=“White_Rainbow, post:41, topic:20470, full:true”]
RE RE Edited Title~ seslystahp
[/quote] please stop.

I’ve edited the title 3 times for a reason. Your original title is misleading, I even was told by a Mod that it should be eduted. So please do not edit back.

[quote=“White_Rainbow, post:43, topic:20470, full:true”]
I’ve edited the title 3 times for a reason. Your original title is misleading, I even was told by a Mod that it should be eduted. So please do not edit back.
[/quote] I’ll restore it.

I am now imagining chickens clucking the jaws theme.

Anyway, this certainly is not a foul fowl.

[quote=“LurkingEhlek, post:45, topic:20470”]
I am now imagining chickens clucking the jaws theme.
[/quote] Cluck Cluck. Cluck Cluck. CluckCluckCluckCluckCluckCluckCluckCluck CLU-CLU-CLUCK!


And I’m going to contest that Mod’s opinion. Is the title misleading? Yes. But Pegasus has the right to call this MOC whatever they want.

I’ll be restoring the title to it’s original form.

  1. Are those butt rockets, or am I looking at it weird?

  2. I think you might have “chickened” out on the concept there.


  1. They are chest missiles
  2. I see what you did there

Excellent! The picture’s could be better, though.

@darkbrick999 the pictures are something i can’t fix for the moment, my phone broke. (got run over my a car)

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Wow. Honestly I’m surprised its still functioning.

@MaximusPrime[quote=“MaximusPrime, post:52, topic:20470”]
Wow. Honestly I’m surprised its still functioning.
it’s not. the screen is shattered and it and it won’t work. it still vibrates when i get messages, but the screen is jet-black