My latest MOC, and a revised version of my previous Toa moc from years ago. This is Akeru, Toa of Fire! Master of swordfighting, and one of the six defenders of Atel-Nui, the Toa Atel.
Headstrong and courageous, Akeru leads the Toa Atel to defend their home against the dark forces that threaten their world.
For it seems, while Makuta Teridax is defeated and Spherus Magna has been reformed, there are still many nefarious beings wishing to undo these peaceful times, Makuta or not.
Akeru dons a custom-forged Kanohi Miru, shaped to resemble the mask’s Nuva form, as seen on Lewa Nuva.
As a Matoran, Akeru looked up to the fun-loving Toa of Air, and was, for lack of better words, his “idol”. Akeru aspired to be like him, regardless of the difference in their elements.
Toa Tool: Burst Sabers/Ignition Glaive
His tools are a pair of Burst Sabers, twin swords which shoot waves of fire that travel in a spiral. They are powerful in their own right, but together they form…
The Ignition Glaive! This massive dual sword is capable of melting virtually anything, even turning solid stone into a pile of bubbling lava, due to it’s ferocious heat. Akeru can even throw it like a disc, cutting anything in its path into ribbons as it twirls through the air.
One more pose just because i really liked the framing of this shot.
ADDENDUM: I was unaware that the torso build was already a thing, but by sheer coincidence it’s remarkably similar to one of WholesomeGadunka’s designs:
Lemme know what y’all think!