Mocpages is down

The site went down last night for me and a few friends of mine. Does anyone have any idea of what happened? I tried getting on the site this morning as well, but to no avail.

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I’m pretty sure they’re just cleaning up the site. They do that quite often.

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This happens every so often. It should be back up in around one day to a week.

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“MOCpages is down”

Is this news?

I mean, it is MOCpages. It sits on thin ice in terms of functionality last I checked.


Hence I pretty much left the site.

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I don’t think it’s used much anymore.

If it didn’t gain ad revenue, that wouldn’t surprise me.


It’s still used a lot, it’s just the Bionicle community that’s dying. I left in February and never have come back. (I still have an account though.) Also, there is currently a group of immature Bionicle MOCists on the sight who may be giving us a bad name, and some people may leave because of that.


The site does maintenance all the time.

Never seems to work.

I still have a MOCPages account, but really I’m pretty much done there. It’s kind of weird to leave your grass roots behind and move on to more things…

Although a few people I knew there are still going, but really as @TheDarkFlame said the Bionicle community is dying off, and it was fairly small and contained to begin with.

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@PakariNation99 Indeed, It actually crashed for about a minute or two a couple nights ago when I tried to get on. I would assume that it was my internet but my other friends were having trouble too.

@Ekorak Indeed. I’ve heard that it can go down quite easily, but I didn’t expect anything like this :L I am ignorant to some things in the community.

Edited for Double Post - Waj

Nobody cares about MOCPages anyway.


This part of the community is frequently active, so…


Yeah, the BIONICLE community isn’t dying, also MOCPages isn’t a BIONICLE site, it’s a LEGO site. So yeah, the BIONICLE community isn’t dying, I mean look at the LMB and here. Heck, CBW’s still very active.

So yeah, just because it goes down on one site doesn’t mean the whole fanon is going down.


No, we meant the MOCPages Bionicle community, not the entire community.



Like it never happened before…

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Here we go again


Eh, not all of them, but there are quite a few. I only really check once a month or so, so I may be wrong about that.

The site is back up.

The issue seems to be resolved.