Moctober Week Four: Toa Ceviri, High Priestess of Nightmares

Here it is, the last Moctober post. With this moc, Girin’s Toa Hagah team is complete.

Species: Toa
Element: Psionics
Kanohi: Tryna, Great Mask of Reanimation
Weapon(s): Hellfire Staff
Abilities: Advanced control over psionics; Manipulation of psychic energy as weapons, orbs, shapes, etc.; Resurrection of deceased individuals
Affiliation(s): Shepherds of Scarlet Flame; Makuta Girin’s Toa Hagah; Tren Karam (formerly)

In our universe, the Toa known as Ceviri was one of eight secondary Toa Mata. During the Battle of Bara Magna, she had a profound spiritual experience and subsequently helped found the Church of Mata Nui. But what if that deep spirituality was in service of a different god?

This Ceviri hails from a universe where she dedicated herself to the worship of the great Tren Krom, God-King of the Matoran Universe. So loyal was she that she was elevated to the rank of High Priestess - a title that came with some extensive body modifications. In fact, so loyal was she that she was given the greatest gift of all: she was to travel the multiverse and spread the good word of her god. After being blessed with a number of higher abilities, Ceviri was sent off to a new world.

Unfortunately for her, the first universe she landed in (the Guildverse, what I call my own Bionicle world) was one in which Tren Krom was no longer alive. As strong as her Tren Krom was, he could not continue to affect her across universal boundaries. Thus, she was completely stranded. With no god to worship, she slowly began to lose her mind (not that she was too sane in the first place). In only a matter of a couple days as she wandered through the Bota Jungle, Ceviri was ready to throw herself into service of any higher being she came across.

That was exactly what Girin was waiting for. He appeared to her one night in person. Without hesitation, Ceviri bowed down and pledged her service to him (despite not knowing literally anything about him). The Under King decorated her with new garments that fit his aesthetic, including a mutated Kanohi Tryna and a staff reminiscent of his own, and once she proved her loyalty he named her the leader of his Toa Hagah.

Ever since, Ceviri has dedicated herself to his worship. How exactly does that work? Primarily through a cult called the Shepherds of Scarlet Flame. The group consists of individuals who have sold their souls to Girin in exchange for worldly desires like wealth, love, and power. They all work to worship Girin in this life so he might be more forgiving to them in the afterlife (spoiler alert: he won’t). Of course, this has led to Ceviri clashing with her Guildverse counterpart a few times. Although the noble paladin is the better fighter, the twisted priestess is far more vicious, leading to stalemates whenever they fight.

(And here’s an updated picture of Ceviri, which perhaps counts as a sneak peek of one of the many projects I’m working on)

At last, Moctober is Moctover. Very unfortunate. I’m honestly shocked how fast it’s gone by. But, there is still one more post to make… the most important of them all. See you on Halloween for the finale.


Ooh this moc looks scarily good. Lore is great, like the rest of the moctober mocs, and the build is nice as well. Great moc.

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looks really great!


Creepy. The tentacle stuff looks nice, the story is nice as well.


At first, I thought this was a Toa based off of Annona with those tentacles. I really like the design you chose for her. It’s one that I don’t see often, and it’s perfect for her status as a priestess.


Cool build, although the pelvis could have a little detail on it


Yeah, I was trying to put something there but I couldn’t find anything I really liked.

I can definitely see that!

Thank you all very much!