That’s very nice looking.
Looks nice, but I suggest replacing the silver fingers with lime ones if you have them.
Unfortunately I don’t, I would’ve liked to have them that colour though
Woah, those colors look REALLY nice on Lava Beast’s build.
Are you also going to redesign Quake Beast like that?
No, I don’t have that half mace piece in trans light blue
Sorry for the miscommunication of my thought. I meant to ask if you are going to redesign Quake Beast with Lava Beast’s build?
Ohh, Yeah, I might do
Aw man that’s awesome. Lava Beast looks even better like that
(Or is it storm beast?)
Ok this is freakin’ awesome!
I don’t know if anyone has tried this, but I felt like somebody should bring this up. This is my way to give Umurak the Destroyer jaw articulation. (Note: I don’t have Umurak the Destroyer because of JtO Makuta)
I used a 4L black Lightsaber rod and extended it with two hybrid pins and bushings.
Using three length axles and half length bushing, I made the jaw extend up and down, and fit closer the mask.
so i have upped destroyers height and given him elbows. i felt that he was way to short before (barley taller than tahu untier) he is now closing in on his master’s height. i have also fixed some of the gappyness in his torso
I think the thighs would look better if replaced with this
amazing mod, how did you fill in the horns?
Edited post -legomaster
Amazing double post edit.
ive done this on umarak and all of my creatures
this was a huge help
Can you post pics? I haven’t got the beasts in hand yet, so I haven’t seen how well this method works with the beast masks of corruption.
ill post some tomorrow cause im kind of up to my nose in assignments