This is my attempt at making a female MOC, but aside from that, she was also supposed to be a character for a comic I was planning on making but never did. Some what make jokes about female MOC you would see like “rahkshi wafius” not even sure why that’s a thing.
I really quite like the alternating colours
oversexualized generic moc is very oversexualized and generic
the color scheme idea is neat- albeit pointless , and that thing on her head looks really weird
Well that was sort of the point, because her whole existence was supposed to be a joke about those type of MOCs.
…well, at least they ain’t nuva boobs…
I think you did a pretty good job. Head should be silver imo and you should take that thing off her head.
Satire requires a clarity of purpose and target lest it be mistaken for and contribute to that which it intends to criticize.
The MOC is actually pretty good for what it is. Not too big on the mirrored color scheme personally, and the white claws and (especeially) head stick out a good deal.
One thing that’s always bugged me about Rahkshi-headed humanoid MOCs is how the Rahkshi head is flat and reptilian compared to a human head. You took one step to correct it with the added neck, which is good. Just one of these days I’d like to see a head that uses the Rahkshi head on top and fills in the bottom fully.
Wow! It has very good female details! The head must have more work though…
Photo 3 neck is too long