Monsters of the mind- depression

So, I’m doing a thing where I try to create fantasy creatures representing emotions and thought patterns, and the metaphors that accompany them. I chose to make depression bleak and gray in color, and it has a hound-like body (it can always catch up to you), many eyes (you can’t hide from it), a lamprey’s mouth (lamprey are parasites, and their mouths are disturbing), and tentacles (because it grabs you and won’t let you go). It runs you down and can always catch you, trips you up, then latches onto you and drains your blood. If you escape, it follow you and won’t stop until it’s destroyed (no easy feat). This makes it one of the most dangerous beasts in the land of psyche.


I can say from experience that your representation is strikingly disturbing in it’s uncanny accuracy to the real monster.


This is an amazing idea, can’t wait to see the other monsters!


Interesting idea here.

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That’s pretty cool. Looking forward to see more of your morbid artwork in play.


An interesting premise. I look forward to what others you have in the works.

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This is pretty cool. I really enjoy it

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That’s the ugliest lamprey I’ve ever seen.