Mutated Zaktan

I recently bought an extra Zaktan for parts in order to build Artakha and I had some extra parts so I decided to build his mutated form.

Scene Recreations

Here is a recreation of the battle between the Mahri and Mutated Piraka in the Cord. Unfortunately I don’t have an Idris yet to recreate the scene accurately.

This is the scene where Zaktan in his tank meets the Toa Hagah to find Teridax.
Height Comparison


Is this supposed to be a joke?

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No this isn’t a joke Zaktan and the other piraka were mutated into only their heads and spine according to BS01.


I also figured that the best way to represent the mutated Piraka would be just the head+spine pieces.

But you’ve taken the time to CUT A PIECE (Edit: TOTALLY NOT CUT A PIECE), pose it creepily against an appropriately coloured background, and choke the daylights out of Dekar, so I appreciate it :slight_smile:

Possibly this could go in art?


Actually no pieces were harmed I just took off Zaktan’s head and put it on a stand.

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I know about the mutated forms, I was just wondering because it’s literally zaktan’s head on a stick.


Wow this is beautiful. Also the picture were he’s choking Dekar works pretty well.

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So it’s Zaktan’s head on a stick. That’s simultaneously viscerally disturbing and somehow cool because it’s canon.

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You’d have to break into your extra pieces, since Zaktan didn’t come with one, but maybe you could connect the arm branches to each other with a 3-pin, just to make his body look more like a solid piece.

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Here’s the results of your suggestion but I’m not much of a fan of it.


I meant to connect them just to each other, so that it would at least be symmetrical, and the “arms” wouldn’t stick out too far. The tail and arms would still be separate, but the natural bend of the rubber would probably hold them together a little.

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Oh so that was what you meant. Here’s the new result, I like this one much better than before.


I get your point, but this is still not a MOC. It’s just the head of a set. If you really wanted to build a mutated Piraka you could have added a little bit more, like elongating the spine or adding more detail.

Now he’s crossing his hands behind his back haha

This is gonna give Hoseryx a run for its money. 10/10


Hose Hose, Pipe-raka!

…I tried