My G3 Rahkshi designs (LDD)

I’ve been seeing such amazing things for this Brickonicle project, and one thing that has particularly intrigued me is the Rahkshi. I made designs on LDD for each one. While a few (Pahrak Turahk and Guurahk) were based on @Oomatu 's designs, the rest are somewhat unique. The snake is Vorahk, not Lerahk however.

Going left to right it is Turahk, Panrahk, Guurahk, Vorahk, Lerahk, and Kurahk. Hope you enjoyed!


Not bad. But they need a sort of unifying element.

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Do you mean the same headpiece or something along those lines?

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These look pretty spot on to me, except for the heads. I do really like these, otherwise.


I had them all use the same head as Turahk at first, but they all looked odd. But thanks.

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