My new self moc: Khaita, the whirlwind

Khaita, toa of air. Largely considered the most skill toa in combat, they primarily use their elemental powers to enhance their combat skills, such as using gusts of wind to speed up their blade. They’re typically grim and unfriendly, a warrior through and through, though they can have a good time with good friends. They prefer to work and fight alone, and they often go head on into hordes of enemies and being able to easily hold their own. Because of their incredibly quick movements and their tendency to fight armies alone, they are known as “The Whirlwind” by most matoran. While Khaita primarily wields a tornado blade and an arm-mounted element shield, they also have an elbow blade for blocking attacks, and a gust dagger. (Taken from the OH HELP HELP! SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! - #105 by MakutaOisli topic cause I’m lazy and don’t want to wright anything new)

And here’s some pictures of them sporting bat ears in support of the cause

Also, for those that were big fans of hunter, don’t worry, that character still exists, he’s just not my self moc anymore. I have plans for a new version, I just haven’t finished it yet. I’ve decided to change because This new character just suits me better because of how my building style has changed and how I have changed as a person. Might do more lore later, might not.

This is also my official withdrawal from the war as I recently had some very personal things going on and just don’t have the motivation to continue. Sorry to my comrades in the bat brigade, but it’s real life time.


I think he’s one of your best mocs!


Thanks, I’d have to agree with you. They’re definitely my favorite.

Also, btw, the character is non-binary, just so you know.


Whoops, my mistake

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No worries, just thought I’d let you know.

very nice
the metru green/pearl gold combo looks pretty good


Too many different colours or shades of colour… otherwise… looks good.

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I liked this until you added bat ears
While the different shades of gold do clash a wee bit, i think this still looks nice and i think it’s your best moc yet. keep up the good work!

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I unironically think the bat ears look cool. They give them a Gringat-like vibe


infinity shield when? nice build with a good colour scheme that never goes wrong