Hello there. I’m back with another MOC designed character that I would like to show off here.
For those wondering, yes this is the same body I used for the Artakha contest. If you read that post I made for the contest it’s explained but i’ll do so here too regardless. I was already designing this MOC before I was aware of said contest, I altered it to be an Artakha design becuase I thought it would be fun for the most part. I knew I was likely not going to win that particular contest but I figured I would enter regardless, because honestly what would be the worst that could happen???
Anyways, this is the true MOC intention and (mostly) finalized version of this character I’ve come up with…
AGEONIS, The Timeless One
Element: Time / randomly borrowed ones
Primary Color(s): Black, Gray, Gunmetal
Secondary Color(s): Silver
Accents: Transparent Orange
Mask Power: Vu-Vahi, Mask of Repetition (also the true Vahi mask of time, and eventually the complete Vahi mask of time)
Weapon: The Mallet of Time
Bio: Toa Ageonis was once a proud member of the Toa Junak. However his brother Pahtor, his teams Toa of Stone, betrayed them to the Makuta forces so that Pahtor could gain a new elemental power.
Ageonis was indeed killed by the former Makuta Teridax’s secret shadow syndicate, the Kralgge Corps, along with his brothers and sisters. However his soul was saved by the mask of time (which managed to somehow mysteriously escape Voporak’s clutches and return) and his body was repaired one-hundred years after the fall of Makuta Teridax.
Now with a newly made body from various pieces throughout time, and wielding the Mask of Time, he has been tasked to stop the recently active Kralgge Corps from enecting the most terrible of acts upon the newly formed Spherus Magna, and the universe as a whole.
In order to achieve his task at hand, he must find the lost additonal powers of the Vahi mask itself in order to properly stop the Kralgge Corps.
Weapon: The Mallet of Time is a powerful warhammer that’s said to be able to hit one so hard that it throws them back one-thousand years into the past or future.
Mask: The Vu-Vahi is a low-powered version of the mask of time. The majority of its powerful takes time to continuously repair the body of Ageonis, so he usually deals with only using a fraction of the mask’s powers.
In this form the Vu-Vahi has the power of repetition, which allows the user to repeat the last ten seconds of any situation endlessly. This is a useful ability during a rather difficult situation of combat.
However, he is able to control the full power of the Kanohi when need be. The mask does revert to it’s classic look with its original abilities when this happens.
The Vu-Vahi’s second form is when the mask is at its absolute weakest form. This typically happens after Ageonis uses a massive energy-depleting attack. The mask resembles a beard-like look and won’t be able to be used by Ageonis for certain periods of time (solely depending on how massive the attack was used).
Additonal Pics:
Scraps is old discarded pieces, mostly from a destroyed Vahki from the ancient age of Metru-Nui, that Ageonis assembled into a new sentient being.
Unlike the Vahki of old, Scraps is capable of proper speech and a somewhat higher level of thinking. He’s also characteristically a smart-mouthed talker and his personality serves to complement Ageonis’ calm and sometimes silent demeanor.
Scraps uses twin energy blades that are enhanced by the mask of time to act as they would when they first came out of the factory many, many years ago. He can also shoot Thornax berries or Zamor Spheres.
Additonal Pics:
Notes: So I’ll be explaining more of this fan-made fake story idea in a future post but for now I think people will get the idea for the most part.
I’m sorry but currently I do not own the actual Vahi mask, I’m hoping to get one via bricklink or some other means but for now what I have to work with is what I got. I promise to show this MOC with the mask as soon as I get the mask.
I’m also looking into getting the 3d printed completed vahi mask (upper half on bottom half) as well.
Other things to note is that the translucent orange on the figure is to represent where the mask is healing the body of Ageonis. So that is why it’s mostly within the chest area because, story reasons, this is where he took the most damage.
Scraps was meant to be a mini representation of a Vahki. I also wanted to see if it’s possible to replace it’s disk launching mouth with something else and you absolutely can with a Thornax launcher.
His body was inspired by a body design I found on google, so I was inspired exclusively by that body design online. The arms are inspired by the Voya-toran as well because those sets truly showed off the jank look properly (in my opinion anyways). Other than that nothing else to say…
Hope you all enjoy this so far, I’ll be back with any updates or additions to the character sometime later. Until then…