My school sucks because it blocks TTV's videos

I can use the message boards and videos fine at school, though some links to other website will be blocked

You arent suppose to be in the internet when you are in school. School is suppose to be this miserable jail like plain of existence that you need to live through each day and rejoice when you arrive home afterwards for them sweet sweet internet videos (all of them about cats).

A playground for social studies. (oh wow, apparently people here are too sensitive, or cowardly enough to say/allow actual political movements in history to be mentioned,even just as examples in a theoretical way).


I can watch the TTV videos, but the really ridiculous thing is that it blocks BS01. Why, you ask? The reason the security system says is “games”! And yet, they do NOT block Biomedia Project!

I know a website that’ll let you use youtube on school computers and watch any video.

In the future, ill put all my videos as educational.