My Self-Moc

After I year I am satisfied with the way this turned out. So I present my self moc.

So, about a year ago I started a topic for making this because I was new to and wasn’t sure about a few things. So I used that topic for feedback before actually buying this.
Now almost a year later I’m okay with where it is at.

One change that I actually didn’t post in the making topic was the new and much more posable arms.

Closer look at the spear

Also thanks to both @wild_toa and @Monopoly for designing and testing this very unique leg design which I never would of thought of on my own.

Let me know what you think


I remember doing a concept of that leg, but I dont remember doing much with it. cool to see someone using it though!
now I need some more hordika arms…


Looks nice and nimble. Good job with the hordika mechanism on the legs