My Unofficial G1 Continuation - Early draft / setup

This is a non-official fan made story, intended to expand and continue the BIONICLE G1 storyline. My starting point for starting this story is the Great Beings, reading information on BS01 and other BIONICLE Wiki’s helped me with finding where I would start the story. One particular line from the BS01 page for the Great Beings particularly caught my attention: “In their pursuit of knowledge, the Great Beings experimented on the warriors and Agori of the Sand Tribe, altering their genetic structure.”

I started a discussion a while ago requesting help with my story, and the help I recieved was very helpful. I decided to completely rework my story so it fits with the official canon rather than conflicting - as far as I know anyway. Please point out if anything here directly conflicts with the canon, as I am still open to changes. There is also likely to be some spelling mistakes / typos, as I wrote all of this in one sitting.

Part of this is set prior to the Matoran universe existing, while another is set long after the official canon. Criticism is VERY welcome.

Pre-Matoran universe.

Before the Matoran Universe was created, the Great Beings were experimenting with the inhabitants of Spherus Magna. The experiments that were publicly known about were consensual and were directly beneficial to the subjects - an example of this is the bionic implants. However, they were ignorant to the bulk of the research and experimentation taking place.

Rumours had been surfacing of the element lords planning to overthrow the Great Beings - while they were left to their own devices to govern the Agori, there were still restrictions put in place by the Great Beings that they didn’t agree with, and wanted full control. Due to this, the Great Beings started to build an army, in the event of a war breaking out against the Great Beings. While they were powerful, they wouldn’t stand a chance against an entire planet.

They begun capturing and experimenting on various Agori and Glatorian, going further with the bionic implants, adding such things as weaponry and tampering with the entire structure of the subjects. Generally their size and strength was increased, as well as other enhancements which would help with combat. This was done in secret in case the rumours were false, and didn’t want to cause unnecessary conflict.

A Great Being named Venator selflessly volunteered to be the commander of the army - him and his pet Iron Wolf undergoing extensive combat enhancements and placed in a slumber along with the army they created until they were needed. A timer was set and would be continuously reset by the Great Beings. In the event of the other Great Beings being killed or captured, the timer would run out and Venator and his army would be awakened, who would wreak havoc on Spherus Magna, wiping out anything they did not recognise as a Great Being.

The army was never required, as war instead broke out between the Element Lords over the energized Protodermis found on Spherus Magna. The Great Beings were never involved, and the army was kept asleep.

The shattering of Spherus Magna caused the timer to malfunction and pause, while the reformation of Spherus Magna had the opposite effect, causing the timer to reset, but instead count down for a much longer period of time.

Fast forward to post-official canon:

It has been hundreds of years since the legendary battle of Bara Magna. Generations have passed, with those Agori present for the defeat of Makuta being long gone, and their roles having been replaced with their descendants. The threats that they previously faced such as the Battera have malfunctioned and been destroyed, and the Skrall are largely civil with the Agori and Glatorian.

However, there have been a small amounts of Glatorian and Skrall who have been continuing the traditional Gladiatorial fights in remote areas of Spherus Magna purely for fun. These are not endorsed by those who have abandoned that way of life, and those who continue to fight have been exiled from the peaceful villages.

While the inhabitants of the Matoran Universe live in peace with the Agori & Glatorian, many them have also passed, leaving only a few Matoran and Toa left. These deaths have not been due to age, and instead accidents or intentional killings, as the Matoran and Toa are unable to age or reproduce. Those who are currently alive were not integral to the awakening of Mata Nui, but those who were are respected as Gods by the later generations.

Evil may have been vanquished, but time is running out, and they have no idea what’s coming…

So that is my unofficial story setup thingy. I’m kind of going about this in a similar way to LEGO, in that this story kind of represents the first year of a trilogy I am planning (similar to the Ignition trilogy). I currently have ideas and outlines for the story going forward, though i haven’t actually formed them into anything close (in terms of completion) to what you have just read.


Sounds good, but shouldn’t this be in creative content?

Oh, that’s my bad. I don’t know if i have the ability to move it there or if i have to wait for a mod. I guess its too late now for me to do it.

Thanks for the compliment though :smiley:

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It’s alright. I think you just have to delete your post and repost it in the literature subcatagory. I’m not entirely sure.

I’m on it :smiley: …If i can work out how to delete it

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Moved to Literature ~ The Archon

Thanks :smiley:

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