This is my other OC, Mystic
These really seem like jokes
If she’s trigender how is she female
You’ve done it again. The contrast of the two colors of gold is genius. The color scheme is really nice with the different shades of blue and nice part usage with the spear. I have nothing more to say than that this is a fresh and original design. Can’t wait to see more. Great stuff man.
Ironically, this is a rather fresh design, not fully original, but it’s something different. Particularly for that color scheme, use of Slizer heads, and being a Inika build, which has turned to an almost extinct species.
Insert Standard Rude Criticism
i’m so confused…
Rude Criticism /s
But in all seriousness, this seems like another joke MOC, that is okay, imo.
Gender (Mindset) =/= Sex (Body).
Someone stop this man
The torso is awkward, the arms have two elbows. You can easily fix them. Add more gold.
Oh man, the use of the slizer heads to make upper legs that look like someone awkwardly slapped on some slizer heads to make thighs…
Pure genius. Brilliant part usage there.
This really should not be here
Alex_Twenty_Two, If you do not want constructive criticism than say “I do not want constructive criticism” because I know for me, whenever I get criticism I look at it as a way to grow, infect I would say that most people on the boards view it that way, thus people are more likely to give criticism. Although, looking at your older mocs, I think this might be a joke.
@Ace @Toa_Distraxx @TheMOCingbird please stop, this is a serious MOC. thank you!
It’s not even funny.
While this is a nice MOC, but Trigender isn’t a real gender likes Male/Female/It, you need more work on the MOC.
Dude, stop trolling, just, stop.
It is if you happen to view yourself as all three of those simultaneously.