Nakiva, Toa of Lightning

Hello, board members! I’ve been wanting to post a MoC on here for a while now. Well, I finally got around to it. Here it is!

This is actually a revamp of a character who I made a while ago. I won’t show the original her because (a) I took it apart (b) it had Nuvaboobs and © it was basicly an Inkia build with a custom torso.
Here’s a back shot. Or a @Nyran shot, whatever. P.S. Why do people call it that? I’m reletively new here… Anyway, I know that this MoC is suffering from a bad case of Uniter Back Syndrome. Any ideas on how I could clean this up would be nice.
Here’s a close up on the feet and calves.
Profile shot. I’m pretty satisfied with how the shaping on the legs worked out.
Speaking of the shaping in the legs, here is my biggest issue with the MoC. Because of the placement of the blue Metru armor on her inner thighs, her knee articulation is severely limited. Otherwise, this MoC is very posable.
Here’s a close up of her dual Shock Pistols. I wanted to give her a melee weapon, too, but I couldn’t think of any. If you guys have any ideas, please share!
Cracked joints. liek if u cri evrytim.

Anyway, that’s all I got! Sorry for the sub-par photo quality. I don’t have a phone so I had to do this all with my mom’s laptop… What a nightmare.

I hope you guys enjoy it!


I must like it :cry:


The weapons are kinda weird, but the moc itself is great.


I quite like the design.

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This is pretty nice.

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Nyran tends to ask MOCcists shots of the backs of their MOCs to see if they’ve left it open. It comes from back when the boards just started and really only had a few dedicated visitors.


OK thanks. The more you know… Speaking of the back, I’ve been fiddling around with parts and may have just found the solution to the back problem…

Thanks guys!

I leiked because i cri evrytim.


1 liek=$1 towards helping poor cracked sockets like these. T_T

But jokes aside, what are you guys’ opinions on the MoC? Things you like/dislike e.t.c.


Better than my toa of lightning…

One canon toa of lightning weapon is a trident btw.
I like it.
Very nice.

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Well, you have way better photo quality than I do, so…

Thanks though. I actually just finished making a short Lightning sword for her. Maybe I’ll try to upload some pictures of it, along with the rest of the pics with better lighting.

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This MOC looks really nice. I like how you did the colours on it!

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Very cool! I like how you included some trans neon-green elements to complement the weapons (which are awesome, BTW). The color clocking is nice as well, and the build is very feminine. The mask choice is nice as well–it fits the character very well. The custom, well, everything is very nicely done. I do wonder about the purpose of the T-pieces in her shoulder and shin armor, though–are they an aesthetic choice, or do they serve a function?

Overall, very nice!


So I was about to go into a big thing about exactly what the T bars did… And then I went and got the MoC and realized that they didn’t actually do anything. In a previous iteration of the shins, they were necessary to lock the Technic assemblies around the knee joints in place, but I guess I fixed it and never realized that the T bars weren’t needed anymore. The T bars on the shoulders are only there so that they could match the shins…
Anyway, I’m glad you enjoyed the MoC. I did make an effort to make it look feminine, but in a more subtle way, and without going over the top.

Oh, by the way, did you notice the T bars on the thighs? I used so many…

I didn’t see the thigh ones–I actually think those work fine…they fill in what would be a gap in the legs.

The T-bars aren’t bad, really. I was just curious about their purpose…

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Hmm, I’m liking the color placement on this moc and the overall design, however it does look like you are still somewhat new with custom, though that doesn’t mean don’t use it, as otherwise there’s no way to improve. The arms work well enough and the main issue remains in the legs. The thighs look ‘gappy’ and kinda incomplete, though I do like what you did at te knee. The lower legs are victim to multi color technic, as I’m sure they’d look much better if they where one color with the white parts placed on as armor. Lastly the torso, it works for the most part, but it’s hollow towards the neck, I’d advise trying to fill that somehow. The back of the torso looks cluttered and incomplete, try covering it somehow and it may look better. All in all, no bad, a bit of work and you’ll have a pretty good moc there! Might I also recommend adding lighting around the moc, it doesn’t have to be perfect, even a couple of flashlights could work if used correctly. Proper presentation goes a long way into selling the moc. (That sounds somewhat hypocritical coming from me but whatever. XP)

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But aside from that, thank you for the criticism. I’ll see what I can do about cleaning up the Technic in the shins. As far as lighting goes, this is my first MoC to be posted anywhere, so I’ll keep experimenting until I fond something that works.[quote=“Toa_Ketros, post:16, topic:23612”]
The thighs look ‘gappy’ and kinda incomplete,

This puzzled me, though. Could you please elaborate on this?

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Ah, I commented as soon as I saw the pictures, my bad. :stuck_out_tongue: For a first posted moc this is quite great. I’m kinda embarrassed of my first posts online (they’re on Mocpages) but keep them up because I’d like to remember them.

Well, as a general rule of thumb for custom limbs for me is to not use liftarms to connect two balljoint socket parts or a balljoint socket (hand parts) and a balljoint unless you have a way to cover the front well. Here it’s covered well on the sides, however in the center it has the Tbar which doesn’t look all that great to me personally, and to fix it you’d probably have to redesign the thighs entirely, which may be a bit extreme. It’s not bad, it works decent, but stands to be improved upon.

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OK thanks for the clarification.
You are correct, I’m relatively new to making custom limbs and the like… I started making torsos a while ago but I consider this to be my first “real” MoC. I’ll take what you said into consideration when making my next one!

Also, I did not expect this to get 40 likes… I guess a lot of other people cri evrytim, too…


Looks really cool

But no one tell voriki