Natalie Breez (Breakout)

I’ve always enjoyed Breez in HF, always gave me some Samus vibes. especially in Breakout, was still pretty upset to see her get ditched in the 3.0 wave. was literally tailored made for her and would’ve been cool to see her be in the jungle where she could have really shined.


Nat has been hitting the Gym I see.


Looks really nice.

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Incredible! Such a cool design. Sad that she wasn’t included in the actual story of Breakout.

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yeah, and she had one of the best designs in the wave imo.


good art, my only thought is that it looks very masculine.

that was the point of it, i’ve always thought of Breez (especially in Breakout) as a bit on the muscular side. since she has to deal with powerful criminals on the daily

Noi from Dorohedoro was a pretty heavy inspiration for this as well, and i like buff women in general.


YES, Breez! You get those gains!

The more HF fan art we can get, the better!