@JoeScibelli I experimented replacing the Nuva Armor with Rahkshi masks. It looked more proportional except one thing…
I don’t have the parts in silver or green
@JoeScibelli I experimented replacing the Nuva Armor with Rahkshi masks. It looked more proportional except one thing…
I don’t have the parts in silver or green
Do you have them in black?
@JoeScibelli Unfortunately no.
In that case, I would recommend order them from Bricklink.
This update looks much better! I like the silver on the chest. The arms seem a tad bit long though. In the future, I recommend trying to keep the same proportions with the upper/lower arms. As I’ve said before, I like the skirt. However, if you were ever to re-do a skirt in the future I recommend trying to make it with multiples of the same piece in order to keep the look consistent. Overall, one can definitely see how she’s improved. Looking forward to seeing what you do in the future (just remember to try and use those photography techniques I sent you. )
@legomaster1378 OMG it’s like an evolution thing going on. I think I’ll base the evolutions off of Cell from DBZ and call the left Nehe Imperfect Nehe. The middle is Semi-Perfect Nehe. The one on the right is perfect Nehe. I think I should definitely make a super-perfect form next time. After I get more green parts that is.Also, think of the long arms as a way to help her climb like 2015 Lewa has.
you don’t have seperate versions
that and, how would the evolution/transformation work?
I don’t mind oversexualized things if they look good
For a limited parts budget, this is fine
although, making a thin waist is not oversexualizing something
it’s more so making it anorexic
For what you are trying to convey, its a alright MOC
@JMP It’s a joke lol.
@Pot8o Look at the latest update of her. You’ll see that I thickened up the torso by getting rid of the friction extender and adding silver armor to the stomach.
I guess the crotch piece sticks out too much
I’m not the only one who is saddened that this is needed right?
@Darth_trevan Actually I am. It really shouldn’t be a big deal but apparently it is. Humans have been making sexualized art for thousands of years, including sexualized figures.
Well when you make something out of bionicle its assumed its not human, and people get upset about it cause its a children’s toy and theres a lot of kids around the bionicle community.
Alright, I feel like I should explain what I think the perceived difference is.
Drawing sexualized art isn’t extremely difficult, since you have full control over how your pencil flows. Sexualized MOCing is more difficult because you have to work with predetermined shapes. This makes an exaggerated MOC difficult to accomplish while also looking like a good MOC.
The problem people usually have, is that sexualized MOCs tend to look bad, strange, or downright alien. This is one of the reasons I was complaining about the rear. Not that I thought it was wrong for it to be sexualized, but because I thought it simply looked disproportionate and bad on the MOC.
You need to understand how sexualizing a MOC can actually cause objective flaws that aren’t as opinionated as you are making them out to be.
Ok, so I made a few changes (I will upload a photo later). First of all, the rear did start to look obnoxious after a while. So I replaced the Nuva Armor at the back with Rahkshi heads. Unfortunately, I have one black one and one green one so I decided to work with it. Then I decided since a lot of animals in the rain forest have asymmetrical color schemes, why not her? So on one side, she has a dark green arm and another side she has a black arm. Same for the legs, which were replaced with Toa Metru shins, one shin is black and another is green. I was trying to simulate a camouflage pattern so that if you see her from some angles, the asymmetry would break up her outline, especially in dappled lighting under dense foliage in the sun. Her color scheme might look a little wonky due to the crude attempt to make a camo pattern (I have limited parts plus I have expenses to pay) but her proportions look MUCH better.
Hmm… is it just me or does her butt look almost too flat?
It looked too round and ridiculous proportionally before in my eyes.
Looks much, much better.
That inika shoulder armor on her abdomen seems to jut out weirdly. Why am I just noticing this?