Nektann Piraka build Revamp

You should totally do either a revised Rahkshi or Skrall from Stars to go with him! ( or even both! :wink:) If you do here are some touches I think would be good improvements


  1. Make bigger/unique staff

  2. Add two extra spines on each side of the normal one

  3. Make him more metallic ( it sure is better than grey! :smile:)


  1. Add ALOT more black armour (skralls are so lanky!)

2.Bigger/better looking swords (the swords are thinner then the Skrall!)

And maybe add a rocky texture (they are supposed to be of the earth element ya know!)

Final notes

JUST DO THEM!!! Plz :blush:
And jeez the Skrall are flawed!

Because stars Strayaโ€ฆ because stars. :star2:

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i would if i couldโ€ฆ

unfortunately i used all of my leftover pieces to make this and my Makuta MOC. also i was not a fan of BIONICLE in 2001-2005 so i have barely anything in terms of non-inika pieces.


He do look like a piraka

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