Nektann, the Warlord

Hi. This is a quick revamp of the Skakdi warlord Nektann. Ever since I got my Nektann stars set I wanted to make a revamp of the character that looks like what a set version of him made in the main storyline would look like. So here it is. I’d appreciate any comment.

The Piraka begging for mercy

Size comparison

Nektann terrifying the Skakdi with the Irnakk legend


This looks pretty good, my favorite part is the use of the ehlek spine parts to bulk up his spine.


I like this! he looks like a titan set from bionicle’s good ol’ days.


Looks really cool

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This is a great imagining of what he would look like!

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Not a bad Moc, it’s looks good, wonder if you got any inductions for this guy?

This is the model Nektann deserved

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Sorry, I dismantled it after taking the pictures.

Looks appropriately beefy and appropriately Piraka, very good.

Also, show him from his back, you coward, I totally know there’s a Vezok spine in there and want to know how you hid his head so well :laughing:.

I used the same technic as Miserix. Vezok’s mouth goes around the neck. Additionally I used a rubber band to keep the Nektann’s spine in place with Vezok’s head.