Anyone remember this?:
Welp,here yo go;
Anyone remember this?:
Welp,here yo go;
The build looks alright… It just looks abit bland, and there’s nothing really special about it
Well i just wanted to give her somekind of a more realistic look,not sure if i achieved.
Having blue only on the legs and mask gives me a shorts vibe.
The torso build in this looks really solid, is that a nexo Knights armour piece I see @Ghosty ? Your more brave than me modifying parts, but the look it achieves is worth it.
@Xevins Looks like a protector of water is ready with some board shorts, just needs a surfboard😛
Nope. It’s from IFB.
Cutting peices! How could you!?
In all seriousness I quite like this moc, simple but really nice.
Killed the beast and got an upgrade?
It looks good for the most part, I just think the shoulders could use plates or something
Yeah, you achieved.
Needs more blue and general armor, at least on the arms, but that torso build is amazing, even with the (sadly) modified piston add on!
I like the cut piece on the waist, but the cut piston piece looks really weird to me.
i think i like the minimalistic color thing, but only because it’s a small set. if it were bigger i don’t think i’d go for it. seems like a solid little build!
sees cut pieces HERESY! /s
It’s actually pretty good.
I was expecting Nutella…
This is Fantastic. I really like how you used of the IFB Armor Piece.
The What? Where?
The part usage here is fantastic. I can even excuse the modified part. She certainly does look realistic, but a little more armoring would help in the arms. Great work as always.
The Invasion from Below Minifig Armor Piece that helps make up the MOC’s hip.
That explains that.
Call me EvilLobsterChump…