New Chima DVD came out and it is Volume 5 but I will get the dvd soon but I wonder if volume 5 based only with the spiders or theres more then spiders in Volume 5 like the Fire vs ice but I will find out
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Wait by Volume five does that mean season 5? ~Detox
no season 2 starts as Volume 5
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oh ok good! ~Detox
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unlike with Ninjago in Australia we have season 2 Vol 1- 4 and America has 2 volumes for season 2 and 3 and Vol 3 and 4 is season 3 in America.
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It looks like Season 2 of the LEGO Legends of Chima T.V. series has already been released onto DVD in some part of the world (which is in Australia) other than in North America, which is according to “Bioniclekid2001”; but we will have to see about this, as it hasn’t been proven either way. (If this is the case – man, I wish Season 2 was already released onto DVD in North America!!!)