New Moc Contest, and Info About the Last One

First before i get into the info about this moc contest i need to clear up some stuff about my villains moc contest… sadly this contest has been cancelled, and let me explain my self here , this Moc contest was intended for a villain for my story-line , what i call the rippled AU (Alternate Universe)… and all the Moc’s were great, but i was to fluid in the rules and it ended up just being MOC’s i had already seen and where a part of someone else’s universe, this meant when i was judging i couldn’t help but feel like these Mocs would not fit into my AU, so i just forgot about the topic and that is 100% my fault and i am ashamed of this. Another reason i had to stop that contest is because of budgetary cuts , as i have to pay for text books for my new courses im taking in sixth form, i also have to use the rest of my money on buying my share of food in my house and paying a small rent to my parents, this lead to me not being able to give what that contest promised as a prize…
so now iv decided to make a new contest in which i am able to give out the prize and also judge and have rules what are set in stone and more clear :slight_smile:

this contest is for the main big bad in my story, a character ATM only known as “The Demon Lord”, this character has to be new to the boards :0
Has to be new , no old mocs
Has to have some similarity to Kadzar (Ie Leg design has to be demonic etc)
Has to evil or demonic aesthetically

the moc can be made of random colours and look very messy colour wise, this is because i will be remaking this moc to go on my display , but also painting it like the rest of my mocs, so please specify what colours you have in mind when you make the MOC

the moc can’t be to simplistic like basic CCBS but doesnt have to be like amazingly complicated :slight_smile:
Prizes =
1st place will get a full drawing of a style of there choosing (to the best of my ability)(i can draw, not very well on paper but alright too Okay on my wacom cintiq :slight_smile: )
2nd place will get a basic cartoon drawing of a character of there choosing, there own or a different one (don’t know why a different one )
3rd place will get a cartoon drawing , but not coloured, only shading and line art

Have fun mocing :slight_smile: the contest will last a month like the previous, so will end on the 9th of august :slight_smile:

Edited Title for Grammar and Capitalization- Not_DagFire


I’ll try but I can’t guarantee it will be done in time… At least I am already started on it. And even if I don’t finish in time, I’ll still post him up and maybe either keep him or upgrade him.

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thats fine :slight_smile:

No, you have to be master to start a community project, anyone can start a contest

I’ll try to enter, but I’ve been busy writing my own fanfic, and also, for the next two weeks I’ll be out of town so I won’t be able to build for a while. Anyway, I hope it goes well!

Scratch my last comment, He’s progressing extremely well. The legs (which, for me, are the hardest things to do in a MOC) are done, and the lower body is mostly finished. I am surprised at how fast I made, and as far as I can see, He is gigantic! He will most likely turn out to be my tallest MOC ever, meaning he will be taller than Brutaka…
2 or 3 more days and he will be done!

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sounds fun i may join

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Awesome :smile:

I will consider it.

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Gonna post mine tomorrow… It’s my new record for build time on such a titan sized MOC…

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Awesome , sorry for late reply iv been away on NCS (an English thing) all week :slight_smile: