Oh Lordy… Luke’s head will be so overused… Y u do dis lego?
Luke’s head screams Galidor 2.0 to be.
If this happens, I will be happy for forever and a half.
I don’t see very many.
Definitely want the Darth Vader one. He’s the perfect opponent to go against the 2015 Toa. Who needs the LOSS or the Skull Villains? Darth Vader is the perfect match.
The heads, Luke’s torso piece, and the lightsaber blades for starters, and I’m sure the other sets, that we don’t have pictures of, will have even more.
Does anyone know why the Luke Skywalker set comes with cuffs?
This is why
(He’s handcuffed)
I guess that makes sense but I’m baffled as to why they bothered to include something that minute in the set. The box art literally has it tossed on the floor in the background.
The box art isn’t final. None of the printing is on the pieces and Luke’s gun and hair are slightly different.
Well, apart from recreating that scene, I have no Idea.
@CausticKrana Or it could be that Luke escaped from some HF prison in breakout.
Either could work
Luke’s chest piece may be reused as a stormie’s chest, the shape looks similar to stormtrooper armour.
Would totally buy a stormtrooper set.
I want a clone trooper…
Wait… didn’t Mark Hamill voice a Hero Factory villain?
Yep, Von Nebula
It all makes sense now
What has been seen… Cannot be un-seen…
On another note, where is Skull Skorpio’s mask?!
Has anyone noticed that Darth Vader’s helmet (minifig) is a new helmet? It’s two pieces: the lower breathing apparatus and the top helmet/faceplate.
The Mixels of Cheese. I think the one with four legs has a function in which when you spin his tail, you spin his head. Those teeth are in trans-orange for the first time.
I’m getting all of the new Ultra Agents and Ninjago sets. Awesomeness brickified.
And in Jurassic World, why is Bilbo Baggins going Zorbing?
I don’t like the new Minifig Vader helmet. It looks terrible.
I think posing Skull Slicer’s arms will be perfectly fine. Even though there’s a gear system, the arms are attached via balljoints, which means that you can put them in whatever pose you choose despite the gearbox turning the pairs in opposing directions.
The Vader helmet is attached the same was as the Ultron helmet. You have one piece connect under the Lego head, to the ‘neck’ and the other piece attaches to the socket on the top of the head.