
“Hello! Would you like to destroy some evil today?”

So, I know this is a super simple post/build, but I’ve tried (and failed) so many times to make a proper sword out of that helicopter blade piece, and I think I finally landed on something that didn’t have a massively clunky hilt, and I felt like sharing it. The Sword/Character is from Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere books (which I highly recommend) for anyone wondering, and yes, I know the hilt is supposed to be black, but I always pictured it silver. now I should probably stop talking before this block of text becomes bigger than the single picture itself, so thanks for viewing I guess, and I should be posting some more substantial mocs soonish


Ooh, this looks nice. I like the simple design.


It’s a really cool looking design, though it seems like it would fall apart if you breathed too hard on it.


can we talk about the underrated use of the flick missile piece here?


Not a Sanderson fan I take it? If so, fair, his stuff is definitely not without it’s flaws. As far as stability goes, it is surprisingly stable, The only real issue is that the cross guard can get bent a little, but the blade and cross have never fully come off on me.

Thank ye!

Thanks, that’s what I was goin for.


It looks cool.