I built this pretty much on accident. just trew together some parts and then created the head and built from there. I think its a simple yet effective build.
Those eyes…
0/10 no Unity form… In all seriousness, this is amazing.
Very nice! The head design and spikes really fit well with his namesake.
It looks amazing. Epically the head. The only problem i have is the crystal armor shell between the legs looks a little awkward.
3 spooky 5 me. Really though, this is a cool MOC.
This makes me think of a shadow creature from Don’t Starve for some reason…
For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, here you go XD.
This is really cool! The one thing I would change are those HF add ons on the knees. The texture kind of breaks up the organic, smooth look.
Spoopy little creature…
But yeah, awesome work
Stop creeping in my soul!
The tendrils and those crystal eyes how would he even see with those? really makes what would’ve been a generic beast into something more insidious
I do believe that the eyes carry this Moc.
“Can I keep him, Mommy?!” “Fine…” “Hooray! Let’s name him cuddles!”
I think they’d work like compound eyes-- segmented vision.
Pretty darn sleek design, Darknova!