The MOC is kind of okey. Color-scheme, albeit generic, works well. The build is fairly simple but works.
There, however, is one thing that does not sit right and flush with me. The Nuva…chest - It’s really awkward.
Fixing that will make this a timelessly better MOC.
Nuvaboobs are bad, but the rest is pretty good.
I think it would benefit from some Metru Red in the shoulder area.
This looks pretty good. The nuvaboobs don’t look bad, actually. I feel like people just immediately regard that as a con, but here it’s done better.
She’s kinda bland, though. There’s nothing that really catches my eye, and I think there’s too much gold. Forearms are also too short.
The shorter, bulkier build, heavy gold armour and victory mask all go to make her look like a strong and decorated toa warrior! I like that you made her a lefty as well. She’d look a lot better with something on her back to fill in that space (or a gear… all toa have gears back there) and maybe a heavier weapon or shield.
Color distribution isn’t the most well done. Maybe you could change the Huna to something gold or dark red but I will say the noble Huna fits.
I feel like it could use more red in the upper body. Otherwise, great job!
I agree with swagmister that the colors aren’t distributed that well. but other than that these don’t look too bad.
Finally! Someone who doesn’t see Nuvaboobs and automatically tell the creator to remove them!
Hate to disappoint you but.
They’re way too large for a MOC of this size.
way too large
That’s the only major issue I see though. The rest is too simple to really fail, and the colors are actually quite refreshing to me.
This is a good MOC for the most part. The torso is probably my favorite part of it, because it looks very solid and well covered, IMO. However, I don’t enjoy the arms and legs. The legs a little stubby, especially due to those vahki limbs. And the arms are a little weird because of how bulky they are on the top compared to how little they are on the bottom. The color scheme is alright, but I’d try to eliminate the black and grey, and in addition try to add some more maroon red, because the gold is a little too dominate to justify the mask. One thing I do like about the color scheme, though, is how you justified the silver hands with adding that small silver armor piece in the torso, filling it out a bit.