ninjago elements bionicle names

hello everyone. for those who are aware of me ive been working on creating golden ninjago weapons for the other elements that have yet to be made(so while there have been golden weapons for fire earth ice and lightning there hasn’t been anything for shadow wind sound speed(thats one of the ninjago elements)). I want your opinion on what the bionicle name for each element from ninjago(that isn’t in there already) would be(example like how fire in bionicle is represented by ta and water by ga, earth onu, ice ko, stone po, air le, light av, shadow kra, iron/metal fe, psionics ce, plantlife, bo, sonics de, gravity ba, plasma su, magnetism fa, lightning vo) what would the elements from ninjago be represented by in the same manner


I suspect “sound” and “sonics” cover the same material, same with “wind” and “air”, so those would be De (from Decibel) and Le, respectively. The BIONICLE prefix for Shadow is Kra- (as used in Kraata and Kraakhan), which is mirrored by the prefix for Light, is Av- (as used in Avhokii and Av-Matoran).

I am admittedly not up to date on Ninjago lore past 2014, and I don’t know what the element of “speed” entails, but off the top of my head, you could take the “Ka-” from the Kakama, Pohatu’s Mask of Speed. In keeping with the secondary elements’ prefixes that reference concepts from the elements (Fe as the chemical symbol for Iron, Vo from voltage for Lightning, etc), I could imagine using Ma- (from Mach 1, the point at which you’re faster than sound) or Ak- (from “acceleration”) or Ve- (from “velocity”).


Ma and ve sound good