Ninjago Season Posters

Wow! This is Awesome!!!

Why you don t make ningago season10 11 12 13 ?

I’ve done seasons 10 and 11. I just haven’t posted them here.


How’s the S12/13 posters coming?
(Before you answer, I’m not on Twitter, and don’t plan too, so…)
Anyway, BIG fan of your artwork - imao you’re like the best Ninjago artist out there (that I’ve heard of, anyway.)!
Can’t wait for the new UNP!!!

Pretty slowly tbh. I have a few other things I have to do before I start on them, plus the new UNP and all that. I post way more stuff on Twitter than I do anywhere else, so you’re missing out. You don’t have to have an account to view other accounts, btw, so you can still see everything I do.

Do you plan on adding your other posters to this topic? I remember seeing at least 3 others you did on your Tumblr.

These are so frickin’ awesome!!!

If only the show was as cool as your posters… then I would buy the sets. Or at least watch the show. The art is amazing!

sad Dareth noises