Hello, mr. Farshtey! I’ve a bit of a question regarding some Kanohi shapes, specifially - Hau, Kaukau and Pakari.
Now, I know that Kanohi masks are bound to powers, and not shapes, but I still want to know if the Noble Hau, Kaukau and Pakari would look as closely to Hau Nuva, Kaukau Nuva and Pakari Nuva from 2008, as Noble Miru, Akaku and Kakama worn by Av-matoran were of Miru Nuva, Akaku Nuva and Kakama Nuva from the same year?
I’m kinda just making sure in order to create some pixelart stuff with my brother Niels.
Hope you have a nice day!
Just bringing this up, we’ve seen the Noble Hau in two forms:
This was how it was interpreted in Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui.
And while this was used as an alternate mold of the Great Hau, it was also interpreted as a Noble Hau when it was used as the mask for Turaga Lhikan’s set:
But this was of course canonized after the fact, and may have just been a random mask choice for an otherwise unknown set.
Otherwise, we haven’t seen any interpretations of the Noble Pakari or Kaukau, but as we know, Kanohi can be any shape regardless of power.
If you’re making artist renditions of them, I’d say you could make them look however you’d want, and adding in features commonly associated with those masks in any form will help make them recognizable as Noble versions.