Nokama Knight of Ga-Metru

Just a more knight-like version of Nokama.


Glad to see this mask finally get some use. Looking good.

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Sweeeet. Love the new mask, love the touch of red and love that you actually made an interesting Metru build :smiley:


Yeah it was the perfect fit. The mask just worked with the shoulder armor.

Thank you.

Thank you very much. I tried to build a custom torso, but as it didn’t work I rebuilt it to have a metru torso.


Those chain axe things look pretty cool, but that colorscheme looks even better.

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Thank you very much.

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Great MOC! I love those weapons and the red skirt/armor!


Well, what a day. two moc posts by senit, both amazing. The weapons seem a little…impossible, but this is BIONICLE, so who cares.


Oh well thank you.

Thank you. I might upload a third one today, depending on how the photos look.

Thats pretty much all of Bionicles weapons


Fabulous! Love the contrast of the red and it’s always great seeing metallic blue getting some love. Makes her a lot more interesting than her original self. Although the piece on the waist seems like it could do with a touch up of paint?


Yeah I will have to redo some of the paint at some point, but thank you.

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Metru Nuva. I know this wasn’t your aim, just putting this comment out here. Very nice use of metallic blue.

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The red highlights are something else, and those weapons are pretty neat as well. Camera quality is fabulous as always.


Thank you very much.

Yeah it looks pretty similar to a Nuva design.

Thank you so much.

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very Nice design and build!!! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:

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Thank you very much.

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I believe this is one of the sets planned for release in winter 2023 starting the story line of the sixth book of Bionicle. Looking good.

EDIT: Oh wait, wrong reality…


Thank you very much

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what paint did you use for metal blue?

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I mixed some paint, it’s a dark blue and silver mix.

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