Nokama Revamp

Combing through the boards, I found someone’s take on Lariska. I scrolled through many, many comments on it (the MOC garnered a lot of attention, not all of it positive), I found some people raising stability issues with the high-heel design utilized, and then I saw the creator’s revisions. It was a unique design, and I had all the parts, so I figured I’d give it a go, and what do you know, the thing works (fo sho!).

I was watching Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui at the time and figured Nokama might be a good character to revamp (and besides, she’s my favorite Toa of Water). Additionally, I remember from Web of Shadows that for some reason, Nokama had high-heels instead of the normal Hordika foot design, so it worked perfectly.

I wanted to include a little bit of all three versions of Nokama, so I more or less took the legs of Nokama Hordika, the torso and arms of Toa Metru Nokama, and the trident of Turaga Nokama. I took some creative liberties with all of it, as can be seen, but that was pretty much the general idea.

I’m pretty satisfied with the build overall. I didn’t want something extremely flashy or something with… exaggerated proportions… because that’s not really what Nokama’s character is like to me (she’s a schoolteacher, after all).

She’s also pretty poseable, which I thought would be a problem when building her. The Hero Factory leg pieces on her shins don’t impede motion at all and the way her waist is built allows a good range of motion for her thighs. Balance is a nonissue despite the low amount of ground contact.

All-in-all, Nokama here is one of my better MOCs. And, keeping in theme with her original set, she’s also one of the taller ones on my shelf. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll build the rest of the Toa Metru to go with her. Let me know if there’s stuff that I missed as I would very much like this MOC to be even better!

The original heel design

Original design for the high-heels:
Lariska the Catgirl - Creative Content / Lego Creations - The TTV Message Boards (
Specific post:
Lariska the Catgirl - #141 by Garvox


Cool! That’s a very nice take on the character, my favorite part is the flawless integration of the HF 1.0 leg armor (I always like seeing that part getting some usage). The heels are definitely a cool touch and integrate nicely as well.


This is great! I wish I could wake anything near this good!


For better or worse, I knew exactly what Lariska MOC you meant as soon as you mentioned it…

I can’t say I’m a fan of heels on Nokama specifically (the Web of Shadows foot thing, which I forgot about until now, is actually pretty weird to me in retrospect), but they look good and I’m happy to hear they’re stable. I’m not sure about the Mata blue colors instead of Metru blue either. None of it (besides the mask) really says “Nokama” to me. But outside of the character it represents, it’s a good MOC and I do like the custom torso quite a bit.

Also, good choice. I’ve considered building a Nokama with such “proportions” after my recent Roodaka revamp because I feel it worked well and I like dark blue, but… Nokama just isn’t that.


Actually I took that design from some other moc as well but I’m unable to find original author