Nuremberg Toy Fair Picture repository 2015

Okay, so I was wrong about the stud launcher not being trans-light blue.

In other news, SG is awesome. And Ekimu’s Mask is definitely not the same piece as Pos’s.

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After seeing the skull villains up close, the new CCBS bone piece is growing on me…looks more like an organic forearm bone rather than an open and exposed joint.

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Verdicts so far:

Grinder: Good
Basher: Good
Warrior: Okay
Scorpio: Not as Bad, but Still Meh. At least it tries to be different.
Slicer: Bleh.

Also Ekimu’s shield started as a piece used exclusively on Princess Sets


Mask Maker;

Skull Grinder;

Skull Basher;

Skull Slicer;

Skull Scorpio;

Skull Warrior;



Saw? :stuck_out_tongue: (sarcarsm is sarcastic)

Also all the sets are nice, looks like i was right about 2 different new addons, and as i said, by the end of the year i willbhave every single set! (I will need to pick up 2 MMvsSG, becouse i wanted to use moc in self moc)

Edit: woops, only one new addon, freakin angles,

Also i would like to see how MoCr padestal thing is made

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Shut up and take my widgets.
These are great.


Looks like this wave, at least is going for a much more organic look than BIONICLE originally had.
Also: Why does slicer have one random armor piece only on one shoulder.
Onua’s half trans mask looks… Deformed? Or maybe it’s just the angle.
Open balljoints everywhere.

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I like them all! Slicer is still a bit weird though. Ive come to like the bone pieces now with the up close look. I realize my main gripe wasn’t with them, but their mix with the giant armor add-ons. Just a bad combo in my opinion.

More of my thoughts.

Mask Maker Ekimu: looks good. Hammer looks a bit short, but no matter, and the shield is cool. Build is nice, gear function seems to be pretty well implemented. The mask is alright in my book. On a side note, though, when I saw the picture first thing in the morning (literally), I did think it was the PoS. XP

Skull Grinder: looks awesome! Main gripe is what I said before: the new torn armor add-ons look just a bit too big, but the aesthetic is good. Makes me think the fully formed upper legs would be thick and bulky…Everything else looks pretty cohesive, and those weapons, very cool!

Skull Basher: nice! Nothing too jarring for me, although the trans red looks a bit stressed. The horns are cool, and the twin weapons are a good fit. Same problem with the add-ons though, but I think it looks a bit better here.

Skull Slicer: actually not that bad in my opinion. I can accept the trans green/silver colors, but seriously, what the heck is up with that lone trans red shell?! Other than that, I’m in the group that would rather have a different mask, but I’ll accept it. Oddly enough, I don’t mind the open ball joints.

Skull Scorpio: I like him. Wish he had better articulation, the legs in particular, but I like the look of him and the tail function looks promising. Color scheme is alright, but I think this one would be better off with just silver and trans yellow (legs), but the trans red in the claws doesn’t bother me, to be honest.

Skull Warrior: eh, not a big fan. Again with the lone trans red shell! Now along with a lone armor add-on for a leg and an arm…eh, just eh I guess. Besides that, I think the overall build looks ok, and the stud bow is cool. The clawed feet are also not that jarring to me.

The masks all look pretty good to me. Can’t wait to get the Mask of Creation, as well as the gold protector mask. The new Skull masks have all got me convinced, despite the reuse of mold, so call me a guy with terrible judgement! The melded masks, wow, just wow. I’m for it, sold!

Final thoughts, solid wave in my opinion! Looking forward to these along with the story content.

PS Those boxes though!


They definitely actually look like bones! I thought those pieces looked flat in other pictures, but the two segment thingies look more… rounded. Like forearm bones. (Someone needs to make a spooky scary skeleton moc when these come out. xD)


I’m getting some serious “Ordeal of Fire” vibes…
Scorpio and Basher share a mask, Grinder and Warrior do, too. And Slicer’s is just a freakin’ Skull Spider, not even in a different color!
Though, I see that we’ll be getting silver torso bone pieces (or maybe grey.)
The new armor attachment is “meh”, the printing on the Skull’s chestpieces look really cool, and I wish Ekimu’s shield was a printed piece, but oh well.


Unless you hit Basher’s horns from underneath, maybe.


Just seeing these new pics, overall I do like the sets but my main gripes has to be the masks. wish each of them had their own unique mask, but Grinder & Warrior make it work a bit with Warriors mask have a 2 tone look and Grinder silver. Basher & Scorpio however, they are the exact same silver color with no changes to the plastic in terms of color between the two. Lastly, Slicer just uses a silver skull spider mask, would be cool if they didn’t already release a silver skull spider mask 4 times already in the winter sets.


Wow, those masks look cool.

Skull Grinder has grown on me, as has skull scorpio, although the latter still isn’t that impressive.

Ekimu looks very cool.

I’m not sure how I feel about the skeletal joints. They seem too… Specialized.(I’m glad they’re in silver though, adds to the biomechanical feel.

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Ekimu: Looks fantastic, I like that they used the princess wheel for his shield, looks really good. Wondering how his hammer will work with the double-sided shooter, unless I’m missing something obvious.

Skull Legion as a whole: Wish they’d turned the gunmetal black and the silver white. (or Glow-In-The-Dark) Also would have liked Skull Basher to have a better mask, though I don’t mind Grinder and Warrior sharing one. Last, the trans-orange shells on the non-Grinder ones are incredibly obnoxious.

Grinder: Also looks really cool, though like all of the skull villains seems a bit too skinny, intentional or not. I like the large wheels on his shoulders.

Basher: Somewhat disappointed by his mask, though I can’t place why. Horns look great; wondering how his function works. Trans purple is amazing, especially on that ribcage piece.

Slicer: Lazy mask is lazy. The bileteral knees just don’t work with him being so skinny. Proto Piton looks cool. Trans green is pretty great, too.

Scorpio: Ugly tail, no motion in the legs at all, and should have been tan or something. I’m only going to get it for the Pohatu Mask.

Warrior: Pretty cool, actually; I love the bow. Asymmetrical legs are odd, but not bad.

Well, though I’ve already pretty much submitted my thoughts.

I figure, since I’ve got the time, that I will perform a more…in-depth…analysis.

First off we have:
Skull Warrior.
Though he is asymmetrical (which I normally don’t like), I feel that, like with the Hunters from Chima, it works for him, giving him a more patched-up, slapped-himself-together-from-the-bones-of-others kind of look.
(Also, dat bow.)

Skull Slicer.
A good amount of people have mentioned the great amount of exposed ball-joints, which, while not overly desirable, seems to be less of a problem for me. Probably because whenever I through together a CCBS MOC just to have another MOC, it usually has almost no armor (and it may help that that’s generally the aesthetic I go for).
Also, upon further examination, it seems that only his left arms are geared, which is a major disappointment, given the fact that this was probably the only function that I was going to leave in its natural state.
Thankfully though, I have a few extra parts from when I locked up the Toas’ gearboxes.

Skull Scorpio.
Boy, has this one gotten its fair share of flak, most of which seems to stem from two things.
#1 “The tail is gosh-awful! Thus, this set is horribad!”
I will admit, the tail (appearance-wise, anyway) is gosh-awful, but I like what they were trying to achieve. The idea of a tail-function that can grab people has (to my knowledge) never been done on this scale, or at all, for that matter. Of course, since they were trying to stick to a $15.00 dollar budget, it could not be as well designed as if it was, say, in the body of a $35.00 Titan (Like this).

#2Scorpio! What have they done to you?!?!?”
For the love of Mata Nui, out of all the reasons for disliking any set ever (across all of LEGO) no matter how bad, this has got to be the worst.
I mean, it’s a $15.00 BIONICLE baddy, not a $25.00 HF villain, of course it’s not going to be a carbon copy of this, and there’s no reason it should be.
I once made a joke about how this is where HF-Scorpio ended up after disappearing in Savage Planet, but that’s all it was, a joke. Not to be taken seriously.

Now I doubt that my joke was the reason for all this, but I just wanted to cover my bases.

Now for my opinions.
I actually like this set, I don’t mind the tail too much (after all, I can always modify it) and the leg articulation (or lack thereof) doesn’t bug me very much. The color-scheme, to me, doesn’t seem that bad. Most likely because, back in my youth, whenever I built a System MOC, it was usually made of about 25 different colors (thus possibly explaining why I almost never complain about color-schemes unless they are truly awful).

Skull Basher.
Not too much that I can say about this that hasn’t already been said, other than that it is my second favorite set, next to:

Mask-Maker vs Skull Grinder!

First of the Last:
Looks great. Not a big fan of that hammer (that’s why I made my own). I don’t mind his (as of yet non-cannon) shield, primarily because now I can get one of those Cinderella-carriage-wheels without having to buy that one set. I like the gold Protector-Mask, I like the Mask of Creation better.

And the Last-but-certainly-not-least:
Skullllll Grinderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
My favorite set out of the wave, this Satanic Terminator looks evil from every angle and is probably the best-looking CCBS villain so far (Witch Doctor was amazing for parts and size, but he didn’t look this good).
They made an interesting choice when they decided to bulk-up his shoulders the way they did, but I think it pays off.
The only real gripe I have is with the Jet-Rocka-style gap between his torso armor and his actual torso piece (which looks awesome in silver, by the way).

In conclusion, I will snap up every set out of this wave, and I won’t regret it.


Skull Grinder seems familiar…

Trans-orange and a darker color with horns jutting out from a skull face?

Reminds me of the Balrog.


I wanted Skull Slicer to be amazing… but… WHY LEGO? WHATS UP WITH THE NO ARMOR PIECES?!

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Actually, it’s a shooter on one side, and a trans wheel-like piece on the other. Like the part used on the Iron Man Ultrabuild, for his blaster.


Just did a moc up of the horns connected to the new head piece, it adds a little bit of weight, but doesn’t make it any more difficult for the function to work.


Ah… that’s a shame. Well, still looking forward to him!

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