Obi-wan Kenobi (show)

According to a New Hope, Leia never met Obi-Wan before.
According to The Last Jedi, tracking a ship through hyperspace is impossible until the First Order invented it.
According to Rebels, the Grand Inquisitor is still alive and doesn’t suck.
According to Revenge of the Sith and a New Hope Obi-Wan doesn’t like using a blaster.

The show contradicts other Star Wars stuff at least once per episode.


I’m not versed in SW lore, but the show contradicts itself too.

Obi-Wan in Episode 1: “I must train Luke.”
Obi-Wan in Episode 2: “I forgot how to use the Force.”

Reva in episode 1: “tell me where the Jedi is.”
Reva in Episode two: “Oh right, I can read minds.”

Darth Vader in episode three: “I can put out fire with the force, and grab Ob-Wan through the flames!”
Darth Vader five seconds later: “Oh no, fire! Guess there’s nothing I can do now!”

Jar Jar in episode 1: Whatsa Sith Lord?
Jar Jar in episode 3: Meesa Darth Plagueis

I like that they name-dropped Quinlan Vos though


I’m loving it so far.


I’m so worried it’s going to get political and then I won’t be able to like it


I’m going to play devils advocate/hopeful fan, and see if I can make up some dumb answers here.

I don’t know where this is stated, but I’d imagine it’s legends, or Disney just doesn’t care and retconned it. Not great, but happens a lot, and we can’t get too upset about it.

So far, Leia only knows Obi-wan as Ben, which could explain things. Not perfect, but a small patch to this plot hole.

Unless I’m forgetting something, they didn’t track a ship through hyperspace. If it’s referring to the cargo ship Obi-wan and Leia hid on, I’m assuming that they just knew the location because it’s a company vehicle, meaning they would know where it’s going.

We don’t really know if he’s dead yet though, probably just a feint. People have survived much worse in Star Wars.

Doesn’t like it, but still does. He shot Grievous, and considering that he has sunk since then, I absolutely believe he’d shoot Stormtroopers

@Willess12 yeah, this all checks out to me.

I don’t necessarily like any of my own ideas on this stuff, but it’s all very plausible.


The imperial lady calls him Obi-Wan in Episode 3, in front of Leia. I also find difficult to buy that she knows about Obama in Episode 4 but doesn’t realize he’s the same Jedi she met when she was ten, especially considering she supposedly remembered her mother.

How does Obi-Wan find the kidnapper ship in Episode 2?

“When last we met, I was the learner.” Vader literally says it in Episode 4.

I’ll admit that one is the most likely to be patched up.


welp, it only took half an hour to get political

all they gotta do is take him back to Tattooine to the Mods from BoBF.



That is-


Ha! See? You’re wrong, and I’m right. Don’t try to outwit me again.


Reva can apparently teleport. That’s all I need to say.


Two words:
Plot armor

Luminous being is she

Man ignorance really is bliss I gotta stop reading the things you people say

I think Disney just needs to stop writing stories about legacy characters. Just for these shows to exist, contradictions and retcons galore need to be made, and the legacy characters themselves are often borderline unrecognizable.

The Mandalorian was great as it was its own thing. A completely new character with a story that made sense. They could do whatever they wanted with him since there was nothing holding his story back. It was so refreshing. I believe the future of Star Wars are characters like Mando, not the characters of Star Wars’ past.


Finally, a show where we get to see what Obi-Wan did during his exile on Tatooine. Spoilers: he doesn’t do anything but watch Luke bullseye womp rats in his T-16 and he trains to become a force ghost. If you watched the original Star Wars film you know what happens to Obi-Wan.


Season 2 is in the works already lol

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Sorry you don’t like people giving criticism toward a show? I just want things to have good continuity and make sense.


Loyalty to Disney. Loyalty to the brand. Loyalty is salvation. Loyalty is life.


No no, Leia is the one that’s Lumanous.
… gettit? 'cause she uses the name Luma in episode 3?


No, no hard feelings. I just didn’t notice any of the things you guys pointed out lol. I thought it was rock solid until I entered this topic

Definitely not a fan of season 2 happening… seems like a one-off to me


0/10, he didn’t said “Hello There” to anyone in the show

I liked the one where he does things


They pulled an Eli Vanto and just looked at logistics sheets for a couple hours

I dont think theyll go past 6 episodes and only one season given them calling it a “limited series” seeing what their other series with that title look like. then again, it is disney, and money is money

Im not really going to say a whole lot, since others have already made the points I have on it. Its kinda just there, not great but not bad