Of BIONICLE G2, which year of sets should I destroy?

  • Destroy 2015 (Masters, Skull Villains)
  • Destroy 2016 (Uniters, Beast Villains)

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Hey guys, I’d like some opinions on this matter. Now that G2 is down the gutter and means almost nothing to me, I’m hoping to free up some space and maybe get a couple of neat MOCing parts out of the sets while also keeping some, but not all, intact and on a shelf. And I can’t decide which year I would prefer on display or in my parts bin.

So should I tear apart my 2015 sets and leave the 2016 sets on display? Or tear up my 2016 sets and leave the 2015 sets on display? I feel like both options would have their benefits and sentimental value, but what do you guys think? What would you do?


The 2015 sets will give you a plethora of ball joints.


The 2016 sets kinda suck, but the 2015 sets had great parts. I’ll vote for 2016 though.


So many balljoints, and they aren’t the final form of the Toa.


I think the Uniters have a greater variety of parts to work with. I’d tear them apart.

I feel as though the 2015 sets look generally better than the 2016 sets do (specifically the toa). Plus the 2015 villains did last longer/are lasting longer than the 2016 villains.

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Just kidding, destroy 2016. :upside_down:


  • Have less new molds (pieces were reused alot like the 2015 armor piece)
  • More Balljoints
  • It has Skull Scorpio
  • Have more nostalgic thoughts for some


  • Has more mold than last year but lack on new weapon
  • Beast are better than Skull Villans IMO
  • It has Quake Beast
  • Take more space with Creature United

It’s hard to say which one to demolish first.


Thats a tough choice. i would go with 2015 because im such a big fan of umarak

I’d go with 2015 since it has less set-specific parts and melded colors. Easier to MOC with.

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Perhaps it’s out of personal preference(at least more so than looking for parts), but I’d keep the 2015 sets built.

Place 2015 Toa on shelves, Umarak the Hunter, Villager Ekimu the Mask Maker, and Makuta MOC built out of all the rest of G2 parts.


I personally think the Uniters had a better feel and theme to them, and I’m really not a big fan of the skill villain sets, so I’d say scrap the 2015 sets and keep the 2016 sets around (at least for a little bit). I mean, I don’t keep original sets around for much more than a couple days, usually, so… I’d end up destroying all of them in your position.


Mix it up a bit. Keep the 2015 Toa and Protector Ekimu, keep Umarak and Toa Ekimu, maybe the protectors, scrap the rest.


I’d say destroy a mix, and keep a mix on display

tear down the bad, keep the great.


2015 was TTV’s big milestone. You should honor that by leaving omegatahu the 2015 sets untouched.


The 2016 sets seem to have good pieces for MOCing (I don’t have all of them yet, so I guess I can’t form a definitive answer)

2015 is slightly better for parts in my opinion, but either works. I’m personally going to scrap most of my stuff once I finish up collecting the current wave.

I would leave the 2015 sets together. They have more memories of the Bionicle Returns Hype Train coming around with the original leaks in 2014. They symbolize the rebirth of Bionicle and the hope it brought, while the 2016 sets have the stain of being the final wave we got.

I also believe the Skull Villains are cooler than the Beasts visually. Also tearing down the 2016 sets will give you a bit more of that juicy Technic than the 2015 sets.