Official Trend Topic Guidelines and Discussion

The mod topic shouldn’t be put with the other appreciation topics. I made it to serve a purpose, when the other ones were just spam.


Yours was literally the only exception that I found, and that appeared to be because a moderator found it funny and chose not to remove it when it should have been.

It was a duplicate of a prior mod appreciation topic, so it was already a trend topic before the rest of them appeared.

For the record, I don’t even think the whole “trend topic” rule had even been started at the time. Because if it had, I may have closed it. However, because it was unique and didn’t break any established rules AT THE TIME, I chose to keep it open.

Besides, you might as well close all the discussion topics, because that seems to be a “trend”, too, including the BIONICLE 2015 discussion topic.


Out of the three examples you gave, two of them were spawned by my topic. I apologize for not being able to find more in this topic; I am limited to mobile at the moment.

As a user, I will say that I disagree with you on this subject. However, I will respect your actions as an Admin, a leader of the Boards. I understand that you have the best interests of the Boards at heart.


Those do not class as trend topics in any way.

There are a lot of them, and a lot of people have made them, all inspired by the Bionicle one. I mean, it’s definitely an extreme example, but it serves to prove a point. Maybe instead of lumping all these topics together we should evaluate each one based on its own merits.


Discussion topics are not trend topics, calling them that is stretching the definition to an insane extent.

As for judging trend topics on their own merit, that is what is already being done.


Sorry, but I’m over-ruling the close on the Takuma topic. As many have pointed out, it was made before an established rule, and pertains to TTV anyhow.

Thank you.


You miss my point. So let’s say someone makes a legitimate topic, like “What’s your favorite…”(which someone could say is discussion). Soon other people will make favorite topics. But the first person doesn’t mean to. He/she shouldn’t be punished for the actions of others.

Same with some topics that seem like duplicates. I know discussion doesn’t count, but then where do you mark your line? How do we determine something as “discussion” and “trend”? Is that up to the admin/mod?

UPDATE: Me and the Staff agreed that original topics that started a trend will NOT be deleted. Only the imitators will.


Ditto. As a fellow staff member, I disagree with you on this subject @Scarilian.

IMHO, I don’t think the ‘Mod Appreciation’ topic needed to be closed.

I mean, we can talk about what is, or isn’t a “trend” all day. But, do we seriously need to close old topics, just because a few people decided to jump on that particular “trend’s” bandwagon a bit too late?

C’mon, now. Does closing the recent Taco Appreciation topic really warrant closing all of the other older “Appreciation” topics?


Not really.

We’ve got exceptions to the rule, that may influence some folks to revive old trends. But they are exceptions for a reason. We shouldn’t close them just because of their influential nature.

If people wish to revive an old trend, we can judge it for what it’s worth, and close it if appropriate.

Good, great! I’m glad. :smile: :smiley:

I was just typing this message before the update :stuck_out_tongue:.


And what about this message is reason for me being notified of it, with a logo I’ve never seen before?

I’m confused.

Don’t worry about it. I think I linked to your post in the Taco Appreciation Topic by accident.

In which case I hope the members of staff who approved this decision actually go about moderating the older topics, considering many are spam filled and leaving them open is an invitation for more spam

I am sorry about the Garlic Bread topic, I didn’t create that to follow a trend but if that’s what the admins govern I’m okay with it…

New here. I’m looking to get specifics as to what is allowed to be posted and what isn’t. I.E. I have some art that depicts nudity, but nothing’s ever “shown” nor is any of it meant to be interpreted sexually. As well as some drawings that involve rude hand gestures or comics with profanity within the dialogue. What’s allowed and what isn’t?


Generally, this is a family-friendly site. There are youths as young as possibly 9 or Over, so generally what you’ve said is to be removed, along with offending religious or other items. Though this ain’t the topic for such discussion so I suggest we move this to a PM or one of the general Rule topics.


Ah. Much obliged.

At least you asked first, right? :slight_smile:


There was a situation in the past where a TTV member deemed a women in a bra inappropriate and non-kid friendly… as such anything with suggested nudity is probably not allowed.


Amendment I - Community Projects may only be started by Masters

Unfortunately, Community Projects have recently become somewhat of a trend as well. Some may wish to bring members together to work on something on a much larger scale than what they could do on their own. Others may want to see what others can do when confined to a certain concept or theme. However, some just want to jump on the band wagon.

It’s easy just to make a community project. It’s not as easy to become Master.

As such, only those with the Trust Level of Master can create a Community Project. To add on to that, entries must be new creations. They can not be recycled.